1. Air + Fire = Energy 2. Energy + Energy + Energy + Energy = Plasma 3. Plasma + Plasma = Electricity 4. Air + Air + Air + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Fire + Fire + Fire + Water + Water = Elemer Skip 5. Air + Air + Air + Elemer Skip = 0 6. Electricity + 0 + 0 = 1 7. Air + Earth + Fire + Water = Elements 8. Elements + Elements + Elements + Elements = Elemental 9. Elemental + Elemental = Elemental 2 10. Fire + Fire + Fire + Fire + Fire + Fire + Fire + Fire = Everything’S On Fire 11. Everything’S On Fire + Everything’S On Fire + Everything’S On Fire + Everything’S On Fire + Everything’S On Fire + Everything’S On Fire + Everything’S On Fire + Everything’S On Fire + Everything’S On Fire = No 12. Elemental + Elemental 2 + No = 2 13. 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10 14. Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth = Continent 15. Continent + Continent + Continent + Continent + Continent + Continent + Continent + Continent + Continent + Continent = Planet 16. Earth + Fire = Lava 17. Air + Air = Wind 18. Lava + Wind = Ash 19. Planet + Ash = Gas Giant 20. Fire + Fire + Fire + Water = Fire Ring 21. Water + Fire Ring = Ring 22. Gas Giant + Ring = Saturn 23. Earth + Electricity = Metal 24. Metal + Planet = Planetary Metal 25. Saturn + Planetary Metal = Lead 26. Energy + Energy + Energy = Pressure 27. Earth + Wind = Sand 28. Air + Ash = Smoke 29. Sand + Smoke = Dirt 30. Earth + Pressure + Dirt = Stone 31. Stone + Stone = Tool 32. Water + Water = Puddle 33. Puddle + Energy + Ash = Life 34. Wind + Ash = Pollution 35. Life + Pollution = Human 36. Human + Tool = Black Smith 37. Earth + Water = Mud 38. Water + Mud = Swamp 39. Air + Air + Water = Cloud 40. Earth + Cloud = Grass 41. Air + Earth + Earth + Fire + Fire = Desert 42. Grass + Desert = Grassland 43. Water + Grassland = Marsh 44. Swamp + Marsh = Similar 45. Similar + Similar + Similar = Alternate 46. Tool + Black Smith + Alternate = Anvil 47. Lead + Anvil = Lead Anvil 48. Stone + Stone + Stone + Stone + Stone + Stone + Stone + Stone = Furnace 49. 0 + 2 + 2 = 4 50. Earth + Metal = Ore 51. Human + Similar + Alternate + Alternate + Alternate = Dwarf 52. Metal + Dwarf = Mythril 53. Ore + Mythril = Mythril Ore 54. Furnace + 4 + Mythril Ore = Mythril Bar 55. 10 + Lead Anvil + Mythril Bar = Mythril Anvil 56. 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 5 57. Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Puddle = Rain 58. Earth + Rain = Plant 59. Energy + Plant = Tree 60. Air + Tree = Oxygen 61. Elements + Electricity = Electron 62. Elements + Electron = Atom 63. Atom + Atom = Mass 64. Electron + Atom + Mass = Atomic Number 65. Oxygen + Atomic Number = 8 66. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 17 67. 8 + 17 = 25 68. 5 + 25 = 30 69. Earth + Water + Water + Water = Earth (Planet) 70. Fire + Earth (Planet) = 2020 71. Earth + 2020 = Hell 72. Furnace + Hell = Hellforge 73. Rain + Rain + Rain = Storm 74. Storm + Storm + Rain = Hurricane 75. Fire + Fire = Boom! 76. Boom! + Boom! = Explosion 77. Explosion + Explosion + Explosion = Destruction 78. Hurricane + Destruction = Chaos 79. Chaos + Chaos + Chaos + Chaos + Chaos + Chaos + Chaos + Chaos + Chaos = Internet 80. Internet + Dirt = Minecraft 81. Minecraft + Minecraft = Terraria 82. Air + Cloud = Sky 83. Rain + Sky = Rainbow 84. Rainbow + 1 = Red 85. Terraria + Red + Ore = Adamantite Ore 86. 30 + Hellforge + Adamantite Ore = Adamantite Forge 87. Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water = Aquatic Planet 88. Electricity + Planet = Electric Planet 89. Aquatic Planet + Electric Planet = Death 90. Water + Death = Drowning 91. Puddle + Drowning = Hard 92. Human + 1 = Number 93. Death + Death + Life + Life = The Opposite 94. Number + The Opposite = Letter 95. Letter + Letter + Alternate = Word 96. Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life = Discord 97. Plasma + Plasma + Plasma = Star 98. Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star + Star = Galaxy 99. Galaxy + Sky = Night 100. Discord + Night = Dark Mode 101. 2 + Word + Dark Mode = Mode 102. Hard + Mode = Hardmode 103. Fire + Water = Steam 104. Earth + Steam = Geyser 105. Fire + Geyser = Volcano 106. Volcano + 2020 = Apocalypse 107. Apocalypse + Apocalypse = Doom 108. Hell + Doom = Torture 109. Torture + Torture = Insanity 110. Human + Human + Human + Human + Human + Human = Group 111. Death + No = Immortality 112. Energy + Human + Immortality = Deity 113. Human + Group + Deity = Religion 114. Human + Human + Human + Human + Human = People 115. Air + Air + Air + Earth + Fire + Fire + Fire + Water = Cheese 116. Cheese + Cheese + Elemer Skip = Good 117. The Opposite + Good = Bad 118. Earth + Earth = Ground 119. Earth + Ground = Land 120. Land + People = Culture 121. People + Bad + Culture = CULT 122. Human + Religion + CULT = Cultist 123. Terraria + Hardmode + Insanity + Cultist = Lunatic Cultist (Terraria) 124. Air + Air + Elements = Nitrogen 125. Oxygen + Oxygen + Nitrogen + Nitrogen + Nitrogen + Nitrogen + Nitrogen + Nitrogen + Nitrogen = Atmosphere 126. Air + Air + Atmosphere = Space 127. Air + Air + Earth + Earth + Earth = Sandstorm 128. Water + Sandstorm = Something 129. Space + Something = Thing 130. 2 + Thing = Plural 131. Tree + Explosion = Wood 132. Wood + Similar = Log 133. Human + Log = Crafting Table 134. Human + Crafting Table = Crafting 135. Energy + Steam = Steampowered 136. Metal + Steampowered = Steam Train 137. Energy + Steam Train = Train 138. Pressure + Space = Nothing 139. Similar + 1 + 2 = Addition 140. Nothing + Addition = Subtraction 141. Letter + Subtraction = Minus 142. Train + Train = Train Station 143. Train + Minus + Train Station = Station 144. Crafting + Station = Crafting Station 145. Plural + Crafting Station = Crafting Stations 146. Death + Lunatic Cultist (Terraria) + Crafting Stations = Ancient Manipulator 147. Pressure + Ore = Crystal 148. Fire + Night = Light 149. Fire + Sand = Glass 150. Electricity + Glass + Light = Light Bulb 151. Human + Light Bulb = Idea 152. Earth + Idea = Solid 153. Light + Solid = Solid Light 154. Crystal + Solid Light = Luminite 155. 4 + Luminite + Ancient Manipulator = Luminite Bar 156. Plasma + Plasma + Plasma + Plasma + Plasma + Plasma + Plasma = Sun 157. Energy + Planet = Orbit 158. Earth (Planet) + Orbit = Moon 159. Sun + Moon = Solar Eclipse 160. Earth + Grass = Field 161. Tree + Field = Forest 162. Forest + Rain = Jungle 163. Metal + Metal = Wire 164. Atom + Atom + Atom = Molecule 165. Molecule + Molecule + Molecule + Molecule = DNA 166. Earth + Life + DNA = Animal 167. Wire + Animal = Snake 168. Air + Snake = Dragons 169. Tool + Internet = Video Games 170. Galaxy + Space = Universe 171. Universe + Idea = Big 172. Video Games + Big + Bad = Boss 173. Chaos + Alternate + Alternate = Calamity 174. Jungle + Dragons + Boss + Calamity = Jungle Dragon Yharon 175. Death + Solar Eclipse + Jungle Dragon Yharon = Darksun Fragment 176. Human + Cloud = Gods 177. Life + Dirt = Worm 178. Air + Ground = Hole 179. Human + Hole = Mouth 180. Water + Water + Puddle = A Very Big Puddle 181. Water + A Very Big Puddle = Pond 182. Pond + Life = Fish 183. Lava + Fish = Burnt Fish 184. Mouth + Burnt Fish = Food 185. Human + Food + Food = Eating 186. Big + Eating = Devouring 187. Gods + Worm + Devouring = Devourer of Gods (Calamity) 188. Air + Air + Air + Air + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth = Opposites 189. Opposites + Space = Time 190. Earth + Fire + Wind = Earth, Wind & Fire 191. Earth, Wind & Fire + Earth, Wind & Fire = September 192. Time + September = October 193. Air + Air + Air + Earth = Horizon 194. Sun + Horizon = Sunrise 195. Horizon + Sunrise = Day 196. Light + Religion = Holy 197. Day + Holy = Holiday 198. October + Holiday = Halloween 199. Terraria + Night + Halloween = Pumpkin Moon 200. Death + Devourer of Gods (Calamity) + Pumpkin Moon = Nightmare Fuel (Calamity) 201. Fire + Energy = Heat 202. Heat + No = Cold 203. Cold + Night = Frost 204. Moon + Frost = Frost Moon 205. Death + Devourer of Gods (Calamity) + Frost Moon = Endothermic Energy 206. Water + Water + Water + Water + Elemer Skip = Loop 207. Metal + Electricity + Loop = Magnet 208. Cold + Magnet = Pole 209. Pole + Pole = Bars 210. Death + Bars + Devourer of Gods (Calamity) = Cosmilite Bar 211. Mythril Anvil + Adamantite Forge + Ancient Manipulator + Luminite Bar + Darksun Fragment + Nightmare Fuel (Calamity) + Endothermic Energy + Cosmilite Bar = Draedon's Forge 212. Air + Plasma = Lightning 213. Water + Lightning = Electrolysis 214. Water + Electrolysis = Hydrogen 215. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Sun = Helium 216. Cold + Cold + Cold + Helium = Liquid Helium 217. Air + Air + Air + Fire + Water + Elemer Skip = NMer Skip 218. NMer Skip + NMer Skip + NMer Skip + NMer Skip = A 219. Air + Earth + Fire + Wind + Elements = Wrong 220. 1 + 1 + Wrong = 3 221. 3 + 1 + 10 = 14 222. A + 14 = N 223. 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 224. Letter + Plural = Letters 225. 7 + Letters = G 226. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 105 227. Human + Internet = Emoji 228. Tool + Emoji = Unicode 229. Electricity + Wire + Wire = Computer 230. Computer + 0 + 1 = Bit 231. Unicode + 7 + Bit = ASCII 232. 105 + ASCII = I 233. N + G + I = -Ing 234. Life + Food = Mold 235. Similar + Mold = Cast 236. -Ing + Cast = Casting 237. Sand + Casting = Sand Casting 238. Metal + Rain = Rust 239. Water + Rust = Blood 240. Elements + Blood = Iron 241. Heat + Metal + Metal = Alloy 242. Elements + Elements = Periodic Table 243. 3 + 3 = 6 244. Energy + Energy + Electricity = Power 245. Power + 3 + 2 = 9 246. 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 13 247. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 16 248. 6 + 16 = 22 249. 13 + 22 = 35 250. 6 + 35 = 41 251. Periodic Table + 41 = Niobium 252. Iron + Alloy + Niobium = Iron-Niobium alloy 253. Earth + Elements = Carbon 254. 5 + Atomic Number = Boron 255. Carbon + Boron = Boron carbide 256. Planet + Planet + Planet + Planet + Planet + Planet + Planet + Planet + Star = Solar System 257. Planet + No = Dwarf Planet 258. Solar System + Dwarf Planet = Pluto 259. Planet + Pluto = Fake 260. No + No + No + No + No + No + No + No + No + No + No + No = Yes 261. Opposites + Similar + Yes = Nope 262. Fake + Nope = Real 263. Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water = Ocean 264. Ocean + Sky = Reflection 265. Water + Reflection = Blue 266. Blue + The Opposite = Orange 267. Light + Orange = Color 268. Elements + Real + Color = Chromium 269. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 18 270. 5 + 18 = 23 271. 5 + 23 = 28 272. Periodic Table + 28 = Nickel 273. Atom + Orbit = Shell 274. Pressure + Shell = Limestone 275. Air + Air + Air + Air + Air + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Earth + Fire + Fire + Fire + Fire + Fire + Water + Water + Water + Water + Water = Secret Of The Universe 276. Secret Of The Universe + Secret Of The Universe = 42 277. Elements + 42 = Molybdenum 278. Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Molybdenum = Molybdenum trioxide 279. Elements + 23 = Vanadium 280. Heat + Oxygen + Vanadium = Vanadium(V) oxide 281. Air + Grass = Seeds 282. Seeds + Animal = Bird 283. Metal + Ash = Steel 284. Bird + Steel = Airplane 285. Similar + Stone = Rock 286. Rock + Wood + Iron = Material 287. Airplane + Material = Aluminum 288. 22 + Atomic Number = Titanium 289. Water + Water + Water = A bigger puddle 290. Puddle + A bigger puddle = An Even Bigger Puddle 291. An Even Bigger Puddle + An Even Bigger Puddle = Lake 292. Lake + Ocean = Sea 293. Fire + Sea = Salt 294. Water + Electricity + Salt = Sodium Hydroxide 295. Fire + Elements = Sulphur 296. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Sulphur = Sulfuric acid 297. 17 + Atomic Number = Chlorine 298. Energy + Elements = Chemical Energy 299. Elements + Chemical Energy = Reaction 300. Chlorine + Reaction = Chlorination 301. Fire + Energy + Life = Fire Elemental 302. Water + Fire Elemental = Murder 303. Human + Tool + Murder = Blade 304. Human + Murder = Corpse 305. Corpse + Food = Meat 306. Human + Murder + 3 = Serial Killer 307. Tool + Serial Killer = Knife 308. Meat + Knife = Cut 309. Planet + Planet + Planet = System 310. System + System = Body 311. Human + Blade + Cut + Body = Limb 312. Earth + Limb = Foot 313. Opposites + Foot = Hand 314. Human + Thing + Hand = Give 315. Electron + Give = Oxidation 316. Elements + Elements + Electricity = Chemical Bond 317. Hydrogen + Carbon + Chemical Bond = Hydrocarbon 318. Lava + Explosion = Hyperbolic 319. Life + Hyperbolic = Nature 320. Idea + Nature + Food = Organic 321. Air + Air = Gas 322. Air + Gas = Smell 323. Similar + Smell = Aroma 324. Organic + Aroma = Aromatics 325. Hydrocarbon + Aromatics = p-Xylene 326. Oxidation + p-Xylene = Dimethyl terephthalate 327. Chlorination + Dimethyl terephthalate = Terephthaloyl chloride 328. Aluminum + Titanium + Molybdenum + Sodium Hydroxide + Sulfuric acid + Terephthaloyl chloride = Aramid Fibers 329. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 12 330. Elements + 12 + I = Nexelit 331. Water + Electricity = Energy Drink 332. Similar + Energy Drink = Soda 333. Red + Soda = Coca Cola 334. Coca Cola + Alternate = Coke 335. Niobium + Coke + Nexelit = Fuel Rod Mk1 336. Chromium + Nickel + Limestone + Molybdenum trioxide + Vanadium(V) oxide + Aramid Fibers + Sand Casting + Nexelit + Fuel Rod Mk1 = Super Alloy 337. Elements + 30 = Zinc 338. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Carbon + Carbon = Acetic Acid 339. Zinc + Acetic Acid = Zinc acetate 340. Electricity + Tool + Tool = Machine 341. Grass + Cloud = Cotton 342. Similar + Cotton = Wool 343. Machine + Wool = Loom 344. Loom + Cotton = Cloth 345. Cloth + Cloth = Silk 346. Pressure + Corpse + Time = Petroleum 347. Silk + Petroleum = Nylon 348. Air + Water + Metal = Pipe 349. Niobium + Pipe = Niobium Pipe 350. Metal + Machine = Factory 351. Factory + Video Games = Factorio 352. Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish + Fish = School 353. School + Group = Class 354. Elemer Skip + Elemer Skip + Elemer Skip + Elemer Skip + Elemer Skip + Elemer Skip = No U 355. Nope + No U = U 356. 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 70 357. U + 70 = F 358. 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 11 359. 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 = 121 360. 121 + ASCII = Y 361. NMer Skip + NMer Skip + NMer Skip = -1 362. 1 + -1 + No = - 363. F + I + Y + - = -Ify 364. Class + -Ify = Classify 365. Machine + Factorio + Classify = Classifier 366. Water + Something = Wet 367. Opposites + Wet = Dry 368. Machine + Dry = Dryer 369. Opposites + Dryer = Washer 370. Water + Similar = Liquid 371. Seeds + Field = Wheat 372. Wheat + Wheat + Wheat = Bread 373. Bread + Bread + Food = Sandwich 374. Similar + Sandwich = Burger 375. Liquid + Burger = Grease 376. Heat + Limestone = Lime 377. Water + Lime = Slacked Lime 378. Carbon + Carbon + Carbon + Carbon = Diamonds 379. Water + Diamonds + Alternate = Diamond Water 380. Grease + Slacked Lime + Diamond Water = Crude Diamond 381. Sulfuric acid + Washer + Crude Diamond = Washed Diamond 382. Classifier + Washed Diamond = Industrial Diamonds 383. Titanium + Zinc acetate + Nylon + Niobium Pipe + Industrial Diamonds = Advanced Coating 384. Air + Air + Earth + Earth + Water = Intelligent Unit 385. Metal + Electricity = Conductor 386. Elements + Wire = Copper 387. Conductor + Copper = Circuit Board 388. Power + 10 + 2 = 100 389. 14 + 100 = 114 390. Unicode + 114 = R 391. A + A = B 392. 1 + B = C 393. Steam + Space = Game 394. Game + NMer Skip = EoD 395. 10 + 2 + EoD = L 396. 16 + 100 = 116 397. 116 + ASCII = T 398. R + C + L + T = Ctrl 399. Ctrl + Ctrl = Control 400. Circuit Board + Control = Control Unit 401. Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Boron = Boron Trioxide 402. Heat + Glass + Alternate = Molten Glass 403. Boron Trioxide + Molten Glass = Optical Set 404. Similar + Rust = Iron oxide 405. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Carbon + Nitrogen + Nitrogen = Urea 406. Air + Earth = Dust 407. Dust + Rock = Gravel 408. Gravel + Sand = Gravity 409. Air + Air + Air + Air + Air + Water + Water + Water = Sex 410. Bird + Sex = Egg 411. Chaos + Explosion = Break 412. Gravity + Egg + Break = Crush 413. Machine + Factorio + Crush = Jaw Crusher 414. 3 + 10 + 2 = 15 415. 15 + Atomic Number = Phosphorus 416. Electron + Electron = Ion 417. Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Phosphorus + Ion = Phosphate 418. Rock + Phosphate = Phosphate Rock 419. Jaw Crusher + Phosphate Rock = Powdered Phosphate Rock 420. Earth + Fire + Rock = Coal 421. 1 + Hydrocarbon = Methane 422. Hydrogen + Nitrogen = Ammonia 423. Coal + Methane + Ammonia = Cyanic Acid 424. Meat + Urea + Powdered Phosphate Rock + Cyanic Acid = Myoglobin 425. Aluminum + Chromium + Iron oxide + Nylon + Myoglobin = Paramagnetic Materials 426. Fire + Water + Mud = Clay 427. Clay + Tool = Ceramic 428. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Oxygen = Hydrogen Peroxide 429. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Phosphorus = Phosphoric Acid 430. Earth + Forest = Beast 431. Human + Beast = Domesticated Animal 432. Mud + Domesticated Animal = Pig 433. Lake + Plant = Sugarcane 434. Sugarcane + Sugarcane = Sugar 435. Human + Sugar + Sugar + Sugar + Sugar = Diabetes 436. Space + Diabetes = Fat 437. Pig + Fat = Pig fat 438. Heat + Pig fat = Lard 439. Hydrogen Peroxide + Phosphoric Acid + Sulfuric acid + Lard = Etching solution 440. Metal + Life = Robot 441. Wood + Iron + Iron + Iron = Axe 442. Axe + Body = Body Parts 443. Robot + Body Parts + Alternate = Parts 444. Parts + Nylon = Nylon Parts 445. Elements + Swamp = Sulfur 446. Hydrogen + Sulfur + 2 = Hydrogen Sulfide 447. Oxygen + 2 + Ion = Oxide 448. Aluminum + Oxide = Aluminum oxide 449. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Carbon + Carbon + Carbon = Alcohol 450. Alcohol + Methane = Methanol 451. Hydrogen Sulfide + Aluminum oxide + Methanol = Dimethyl sulfide 452. Hydrogen Peroxide + Chlorine + Dimethyl sulfide = Methanesulfonic Acid 453. Fire + Heat = Fuel 454. Electricity + Fuel = Battery 455. Energy + Glass = Fiber Optic 456. Similar + Fiber Optic = Optical Fiber 457. Storm + Planet = Jupiter 458. Jupiter + Planetary Metal = Tin 459. Red + The Opposite = Green 460. Light + Red + Blue + Green = White 461. Diamonds + White = Quartz 462. Magnet + Magnet = Motion 463. Tool + Motion = Wheel 464. Wheel + Wool = Thread 465. Thread + Alternate = Fiber 466. Quartz + Fiber = Fiberglass 467. Copper + Tin + Fiberglass + Nylon Parts + Methanesulfonic Acid = Tier 3 PCBs 468. Battery + Optical Fiber + Tier 3 PCBs = Mounted Circuit Substrate 469. Human + Continent = Country 470. Elements + Elements + Country + Country = Trade 471. Human + Minecraft + Trade = Villager 472. Wood + Wood + Villager + Stone = House 473. Pressure + School = Paper 474. Paper + Paper + Paper + Paper = Cardboard 475. Cardboard + Cardboard + Cardboard + Cardboard = Box 476. House + Box = Container 477. Lead + Container = Lead Container 478. Puddle + Life = Bacteria 479. Death + Bacteria = Organic Matter 480. Plant + 2 + Factorio = Fawogae 481. Coke + Fawogae = Fawogae Substrate 482. 8 + 18 = 26 483. 26 + U = Substitute 484. Silk + Substitute = Rayon 485. Lime + Lime + Organic Matter + Fawogae Substrate + Rayon = Biofilm 486. Hurricane + Hurricane = Cyclone 487. Water + Machine + Cyclone + Factorio = Hydrocyclone 488. Water + Ocean + Sun = Evaporate 489. Machine + Evaporate = Evaporator 490. Plant + Factorio = Ralesia 491. Evaporator + Ralesia = Dry Ralesia 492. Crush + Dry Ralesia = Ralesia Powder 493. Steam + Hydrocyclone + Ralesia Powder = Raw Ralesia Extract 494. Biofilm + Raw Ralesia Extract = Ralesia Extract 495. Sulfur + Sodium Hydroxide + Zinc acetate + Ralesia Extract = Zinc Nanocompound 496. Methanol + Washer + Zinc Nanocompound = Zinc Nanocomplex 497. Lead Container + Zinc Nanocomplex = Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles 498. Metal + Sun = Gold 499. 3 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 10 + 2 + 11 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 8 = 66 500. 3 + 66 = 69 501. Unicode + 69 = E 502. A + E + R + R = Rare 503. Earth + Elements + Rare = Rare earth elements 504. Oxide + Rare earth elements = Rare earth oxide 505. Pressure + Chaos = Change 506. Thing + Change = Action 507. Word + Action = Verb 508. Opposites + No U = Yes Me 509. No U + Yes Me = Confusion 510. Human + Confusion = Question 511. Ocean + Question = Deep 512. Similar + Deep = Thick 513. Verb + Thick = Thicken 514. Machine + Factorio + Thicken = Thickener 515. Opposites + 8 = -8 516. 100 + -8 = 92 517. Periodic Table + 92 = Uranium 518. Ore + Uranium = Uraninite 519. Wire + Wire = Electronics 520. Glass + Electronics = Screen 521. E + R + - = -Er 522. Screen + -Er = Screener 523. Machine + Factorio + Screener = Automated Screener 524. Uraninite + Automated Screener = 20% Uranium Powder 525. Steam + Sulfuric acid + 20% Uranium Powder = Uranium Pulp 1 526. Steam + Uranium Pulp 1 = Uranium Pulp 2 527. Sulfuric acid + Uranium Pulp 2 = Uranium pulp 3 528. Steam + Cold + Cold + Cold + Cold + Cold + Cold + Cold + Cold = Ice 529. Ice + Ice + Ice = Ice Cube 530. Rock + Ice Cube = Cube 531. Opposites + Cube = Sphere 532. Sphere + Alternate + Alternate = Ball 533. Tool + Machine + Wheat = Mill 534. Ball + Mill = Ball Mill 535. Iron + Ore = Iron Ore 536. Iron Ore + Jaw Crusher = Processed Iron Ore 537. Automated Screener + Processed Iron Ore = Iron Grade 1 538. Ball Mill + Iron Grade 1 = Iron Ore Dust 539. Steam + Uranium pulp 3 + Iron Ore Dust = Uranium Enriched Pulp 540. Hydrocyclone + Uranium Enriched Pulp = 50%-Uranium Pulp 541. Hydrocyclone + 50%-Uranium Pulp = 65%-Uranium Pulp 542. Water + Classifier = Hydroclassifier 543. Alternate + Hydrocyclone + Uranium Enriched Pulp = 45%-Uranium Pulp 544. Hydroclassifier + 45%-Uranium Pulp = 40%-Uranium Pulp 545. Hydroclassifier + 40%-Uranium Pulp = 35%-Uranium Pulp 546. Thickener + 65%-Uranium Pulp + 35%-Uranium Pulp = 70%-Uranium Pulp 547. Evaporator + 70%-Uranium Pulp = 70% Uranium Powder 548. Gold + Copper + Rare earth oxide + Sand Casting + Fuel Rod Mk1 + 70% Uranium Powder = Heavy Fermion Material 549. Lead + Ceramic + Etching solution + Nylon Parts + Methanesulfonic Acid + Mounted Circuit Substrate + Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles + Heavy Fermion Material = Tier 4 PCBs 550. Elements + 3 = Lithium 551. Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Lithium + Niobium = Lithium Niobate 552. 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 60 553. Elements + 60 = Neodymium 554. Neodymium + Magnet = Neodymium Magnet 555. Glass + Glass + Glass = Bottle 556. Bottle + Material = Plastic 557. Sand + Elements = Silicon 558. Silicon + Phosphorus = N-type silicon 559. Silicon + Boron = P-type silicon 560. N-type silicon + P-type silicon = Diode 561. 100 + NMer Skip = Transistor 562. Tool + Glass = Lens 563. Lens + Lens = Magnifying Lens 564. Magnifying Lens + Magnifying Lens = Microscope 565. Metal + Tool + Silicon = Computer Chip 566. Microscope + Computer Chip = Microchip 567. Tin + Lead = Solder 568. Wire + Copper = Copper Wire 569. Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Iron + Iron = Iron(III) oxide 570. Magnet + Iron(III) oxide = Ferrite (Magnet) 571. Copper Wire + Ferrite (Magnet) = Toroidal inductor 572. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Boron = Boric acid 573. Metal + Ceramic = Cermet 574. Iron + Chromium + Alloy + Alternate = Ferrochrome 575. Glass + Tin + Coke = High-Powered Resistors 576. Boric acid + Cermet + Ferrochrome + High-Powered Resistors = Medium-Power Resistors 577. Water + Energy = Hydraulics 578. Pressure + Hydraulics = Hydraulic Press 579. Wood + Hydraulic Press = Board 580. Board + Fiber = Fiberboard 581. Hydrogen + Chlorine = Hydrochloric Acid 582. 6 + Hydrocarbon = Benzene 583. Benzene + Oxidation = Phenol 584. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Carbon = Formaldehyde 585. Hydrochloric Acid + Phenol + Formaldehyde = Bakelite A 586. Heat + Mold + Bakelite A = Bakelite 587. Sodium Hydroxide + Ammonia + Fiberboard + Bakelite = Phenolic Boards 588. Copper + Tin + Etching solution + Phenolic Boards + Nylon Parts = Tier 2 PCBs 589. Copper + Ceramic = Capacitor 590. Ceramic + Capacitor = Ceramic Capacitor 591. Tin + Copper Wire = Tinned Cables 592. School + Boss = Principal 593. Ore + Aluminum + Principal = Bauxite 594. Ball Mill + Bauxite = Powdered Aluminum 595. Water + Lime + Phosphoric Acid + Powdered Aluminum = Aluminum Pulp Stage 1 596. Aluminum + Boric acid + Ceramic Capacitor + Tinned Cables + Aluminum Pulp Stage 1 = Electrolytic Capacitors 597. Diode + Transistor + Microchip + Optical Fiber + Solder + Toroidal inductor + Medium-Power Resistors + Tier 2 PCBs + Electrolytic Capacitors = Complex Circuit Boards 598. Plastic + Battery + Complex Circuit Boards + Optical Set = Laser Module 599. Aluminum + Rare earth oxide + Neodymium Magnet + Laser Module = YAG Laser Modules 600. Steel + Control Unit + Optical Set + Paramagnetic Materials + Tier 4 PCBs + Lithium Niobate + YAG Laser Modules = Optical Parametric Oscillator 601. Lead + Fuel Rod Mk1 + 20% Uranium Powder = Fuel Rod Mk2 602. Iron + Rust + No = Stainless steel 603. Heat + Stainless steel = Molten Stainless Steel 604. Silicon + Titanium + Niobium + Molybdenum + Vanadium(V) oxide + Fuel Rod Mk2 + Molten Stainless Steel = Molten Super Steel 605. Aramid Fibers + Sand Casting + Molten Super Steel = Super Steel 606. Air + Solid = Aerogel 607. Carbon + Aerogel = Carbon Aerogels 608. Titanium + Alloy + Niobium = Niobium-Titanium Alloy 609. Air + No = Vacuum 610. Rain + Pollution = Acid Rain 611. Fire + Acid Rain = Acid 612. Energy + Hole = Black Hole 613. Black Hole + Hydraulic Press = Singularity 614. Fire + Water + Elemer Skip + Elemer Skip = Your Mom 615. Mass + Your Mom = Infinity 616. Singularity + Infinity = Big Bang 617. Space + Big Bang = Everything 618. Nothing + Everything = Neutral 619. Hydrogen + Oxygen + Neutral = Hydroxyl 620. Hydrogen + Oxygen + Chlorine = Hypochlorous acid 621. Metal + Magnet = Charge 622. Atom + Atom + Charge = Bond 623. Bond + Bond = Double bond 624. Carbon + Carbon + Double bond + Hydrocarbon = Alkene 625. 3 + Alkene = Propylene 626. Chlorination + Propylene = Allyl chloride 627. Hypochlorous acid + Allyl chloride = Epichlorohydrin 628. Acid + Hydroxyl + Epichlorohydrin = Epoxy 629. Chromium + Nickel = Nichrome 630. 11 + Atomic Number = Sodium 631. Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Sulfur + Sodium + Sodium = Sodium Sulfate 632. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Carbon + Carbon = Ethyne 633. Alternate + Ethyne = Acetylene 634. Quartz + Iron oxide + Sodium Sulfate + Acetylene + Phosphate Rock = Phosphate Glass 635. Vacuum + Nickel + Epoxy + Nichrome + Phosphate Glass = Low-Power Resistors 636. Moon + Planetary Metal = Silver 637. Silver + Sulfur + Molten Glass = Glass Core 638. Hydrogen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Nitrogen = HNO3 639. HNO3 + Alternate = Nitric acid 640. Nitrogen + Reaction = Nitration 641. Benzene + Nitric acid + Sulfuric acid + Nitration = Nitrobenzene 642. Glass + Niobium + Nitrobenzene = Cladding 643. Glass Core + Aramid Fibers + Cladding = Cladded Core 644. Water + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Carbon = Acetone 645. Oxygen + Carbon = Carbonmonoxide 646. Hydrogen + Carbonmonoxide = Syngas 647. Acetone + Syngas = Organic Solvent 648. Copper + Cladded Core + Organic Solvent = Copper Coating 649. Ceramic + Sodium Hydroxide + Boron carbide + Copper Coating = Capacitor Core 650. Cold + Nitrogen = Liquid Nitrogen 651. Silver + Nickel + Tin + Liquid Nitrogen = Capacitor Terminal 652. Vacuum + Capacitor Core + Capacitor Terminal = Multilayered SMD Capacitors 653. Tree + Lightning = Charcoal 654. Wood + Charcoal = Pencil 655. Carbon + Pencil = Graphite 656. Graphite + Graphite = Graphene Sheet 657. Phosphoric Acid + Graphene Sheet + Biofilm = Graphene Roll 658. Hydrogen + Aromatics = p-Phenylenediamine 659. p-Phenylenediamine + Terephthaloyl chloride + Nylon = Kevlar 660. Zinc + Iron oxide + Nichrome = Ferrite 661. Copper Wire + Ferrite = Coil Core 662. Conductor + Power = Superconductor 663. Wire + Superconductor = Superconducting Wire 664. Plastic + Coil Core + Superconducting Wire = Superconducting Coil 665. Kevlar + Cladded Core + Superconducting Coil = Magnetic Core 666. Liquid Nitrogen + Iron-Niobium alloy + Graphene Roll + Magnetic Core = High-Flux Core 667. Gold + Epoxy + Tinned Cables + High-Flux Core = High-Frequency SMD Inductors 668. Earth + Rare = Rare earth 669. Alloy + Tin + Rare earth = Tin-Rare Earth Alloy 670. Liquid Nitrogen + Phosphate Glass + Nexelit + Biofilm + Tin-Rare Earth Alloy = Diode Core 671. Plastic + Epoxy + Diode Core = SMD Diodes 672. Silicon + Quartz + Graphite = Silicon wafer 673. Water + Phosphorus = Phosphine 674. Silicon wafer + Etching solution + Phosphine = n-doped Silicon 675. Silicon wafer + Etching solution + Rare earth oxide = Heavily n-doped silicon 676. Metal + Human + Rain = Shower 677. Opposites + Give = Take 678. Shower + A + Take = Take a Shower 679. Take a Shower + Take a Shower = Clean 680. Air + Cold + Clean = Cold Clean Air 681. Silicon wafer + Etching solution + Nexelit + Cold Clean Air = Heavily p-doped silicon 682. n-doped Silicon + Heavily n-doped silicon + Heavily p-doped silicon = Processor Core 683. Water + Stone + Washer = Saline Water 684. Water + Ash + Saline Water = Soda Ash Regeneration Solution 685. Syngas + Organic Solvent + Soda Ash Regeneration Solution = Industrial Solvent 686. Gold + Vacuum + Aluminum + Epoxy + Graphene Roll + Processor Core + Industrial Solvent = Processor (factorio) 687. Microchip + Gold + Optical Fiber + Low-Power Resistors + Multilayered SMD Capacitors + Mounted Circuit Substrate + High-Frequency SMD Inductors + SMD Diodes + Processor (factorio) = High-Tech Circuit Board 688. 10 + 100 = 110 689. 7 + 110 = 117 690. 3 + 117 = 120 691. 120 + 120 + 120 = 360 692. Wheel + 360 = Circle 693. Hole + Worm = Wormhole 694. Wormhole + Wormhole = Portal 695. Portal + Universe = Dimension 696. Dimension + 1 = 1D 697. 1D + 1D = 2D 698. 2D + 1D = 3D 699. Space + Number = Length 700. Big + Length = Long 701. Glass + Circle + 3D + Long = Tube 702. No + Long + Alternate + Alternate = Short 703. N + Word = N-word 704. Long + Alternate + Alternate + Alternate + Alternate + Alternate + N-word = Nanotechnology 705. Short + Nanotechnology = Nano 706. Tube + Nano = Nanotube 707. Carbon + Nanotube = Carbon Nanotube 708. Plural + Carbon Nanotube = Carbon Nanotubes 709. 3 + 17 = 20 710. Elements + 20 = Calcium 711. Chemical Bond + 3 = Triple bond 712. Carbon + Nitrogen + Triple bond = Cyanide 713. Calcium + Nitrogen + Cyanide = Calcium cyanamide 714. Heat + Calcium cyanamide = Melamine 715. Sea + Lightning = Chemicals 716. Water + Chemicals = Proteins 717. Molecule + Molecule = Monomer 718. Proteins + Monomer = Amino Acids 719. Amino Acids + A + G + U + Alternate + Alternate + Alternate = Serine 720. Ocean + Life = Plankton 721. Plankton + Plant = Phytoplankton 722. Serine + Phytoplankton + Fawogae Substrate + Optical Set + Nexelit = Alien Bacteria 723. Meat + Aerogel + Melamine + Alien Bacteria + Zinc Nanocompound = Resilin 724. Silicon + Gold + Superconducting Wire + Carbon Nanotubes = Nanowires 725. Glass + Silicon wafer + Carbon Aerogels + Nexelit + Graphene Roll + Carbon Nanotubes + Resilin + Nanowires + Industrial Diamonds = Nanoelectromechanical Systems 726. Glass + Fiber Optic = Glass fiber 727. Addition + Action = Add 728. Hydrogen + Carbon + Alternate = Alkane 729. Hydrogen + Minus + Alkane = Alkyl 730. Methane + Alkyl = Methyl 731. Add + Molecule + Methyl = Methylation 732. Methanol + Alternate + Phenol + Methylation = o-Cresol 733. Alternate + Hydrocarbon + Aromatics = Toluene 734. Water + Electricity + Electricity = Hydrolysis 735. Chlorination + Toluene + Hydrolysis = p-Cresol 736. Monomer + Monomer = Isomer 737. Isomer + o-Cresol = m-Cresol 738. o-Cresol + p-Cresol + m-Cresol = Creosote 739. Wood + Creosote = Treated Wood 740. Vacuum + Boric acid + Treated Wood + Nexelit = Nexelit Matrix 741. Nexelit Matrix + Niobium-Titanium Alloy = NENBIT Matrix 742. Plant + Plant + Plant + Plant + Plant + Plant + Plant + Plant + Plant = Farm 743. Life + Farm = Livestock 744. Grass + Livestock = Cow 745. Cow + Liquid = Milk 746. Plant + Milk = Latex 747. Air + Latex = Rubber 748. Rubber + Rubber + Alternate = Rubber Belts 749. Copper + Aluminum + Alloy = Duralumin 750. Life + Animal = Birth 751. Human + Birth = Baby 752. Cloud + Cloud = Fog 753. Cold + Ocean = Arctic Ocean 754. Fog + Arctic Ocean = Danger 755. Baby + Thing + Danger = Small Parts 756. Glass + Titanium + Tin + Nylon + Stainless steel + Duralumin + Nexelit + Small Parts + Rubber Belts = Advanced Small Parts 757. Plastic + Grease + Aluminum + Aerogel + Glass fiber + NENBIT Matrix + Rubber Belts + Advanced Small Parts + Super Steel = Special Small Parts 758. Machine + Factorio + Cast = Casting Unit 759. Lead + Duralumin + Casting Unit + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Advanced Small Parts = Casting Unit MK2 760. Carbon Aerogels + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Heavy Fermion Material + Nanoelectromechanical Systems + Special Small Parts + Casting Unit MK2 = Casting Unit MK3 761. Iron-Niobium alloy + Boron carbide + Super Alloy + Advanced Coating + Intelligent Unit + Optical Parametric Oscillator + Super Steel + Casting Unit MK3 = Casting Unit MK4 762. Fire + Clay = Pottery 763. Pottery + Food = Plate 764. Bacteria + Plate = Petri Dish 765. Tree + Tree + Desert = Savannah 766. 13 + Animal + Savannah = Ant 767. Earth + Clay = Brick 768. Brick + Brick = Wall 769. Wall + House = Castle 770. House + Castle = Village 771. Air + Cloud + Smoke = Haze 772. Haze + Haze = Smog 773. Village + Smog = City 774. Food + No = Hunger 775. Video Games + Nope + Hunger = Don't Starve 776. City + Don't Starve = Don't Starve: Hamlet 777. Ant + Don't Starve: Hamlet = Mant 778. Death + Mant = Chitin 779. Water + Fuel = Oil 780. Heat + Oil = Ethylene 781. Water + Ethylene = Ethylene glycol 782. Energy + Tree = Fruit 783. Fruit + The Opposite = Vegetable 784. Wheat + Vegetable = Corn 785. Fuel + Corn = Ethanol 786. Fire + Water + Water + Water = Warm Water 787. Fire + Warm Water = Boiling Water 788. Water + Plant = Seaweed 789. Boiling Water + Seaweed = Agar 790. Iron + Aluminum + Nickel + Agar = Magnetic Beads 791. Glass + Factory + Factorio = Glassworks 792. Glassworks + Molten Glass = Glassware 793. Copper Wire + Ceramic = Air-Core Inductors 794. Glass + Iron + Copper + Vacuum + Graphite = Vacuum Tubes 795. Circuit Board + Factory = PCB Factory 796. Formaldehyde + Melamine = Melamine Resin 797. Fiberboard + Melamine Resin = Formica 798. Copper + Vacuum + PCB Factory + Formica = Tier 1 PCBs 799. Ceramic Capacitor + Air-Core Inductors + High-Powered Resistors + Vacuum Tubes + Tier 1 PCBs = Simple Circuit Boards 800. Tin + Duralumin = Equipment Chassis 801. Rubber + Simple Circuit Boards + Optical Set + Equipment Chassis + Small Parts = Laboratory Instrument 802. Agar + Petri Dish = Prepared Petri Dish 803. Earth + Water + Energy = Moss 804. Tree + Blood = Sap 805. 1 + 42 = 43 806. Unicode + 43 = + 807. Similar + + = Positive 808. Y + Positive = Down 809. No + No = Stop 810. Death + Stop + Alternate = Save 811. Opposites + Save = Load 812. Down + Load = Download 813. Machine + Factorio + Download = Data Array (Factorio) 814. 3 + Data Array (Factorio) = Vrauk Codex 815. Glass + Steel + Titanium + Lead = Bio-Container 816. Cold + Cold + Rain = Snow 817. Snow + Snow = Snowball 818. 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 200 819. 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 = 300 820. 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 300 = 800 821. 200 + 800 = 1000 822. Letter + 1000 = M 823. 11 + Letter = K 824. M + A + E + K = Make 825. Robot + Similar = Bot 826. Discord + Bot = Discord Bot 827. Snowball + Discord Bot = Snowball Bot 828. Snowball + Make + Snowball Bot = Collect 829. Human + Collect = Collector 830. Bio-Container + Collector = Biosample 831. No + Wrong = Right 832. Opposites + Similar + Right = Left 833. Left + Right + Alternate = Middle 834. Middle + Body = Chest 835. Chest + Steel = Steel Chest 836. Life + DNA = Cell 837. Plant + Cell = Plant Cells 838. Wall + Cell = Cell Wall 839. Elements + Plant Cells + Cell Wall = Cellulose 840. Prepared Petri Dish + Collector = Incubated Petri Dish 841. Moss + Cellulose + Incubated Petri Dish = Basic Substrate 842. Glassware + Basic Substrate = A-Automation Science Pack 843. Biosample + Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack = Generic Earth DNA Sample 844. Moss + Glassware = Moss Gene Sample 845. Glassware + Prepared Petri Dish + Vrauk Codex + Biosample + Generic Earth DNA Sample + Moss Gene Sample = Vrauk MK1 846. Material + Nature + Alternate = Biological Material 847. Mass + Biological Material = Biomass 848. Water + Moss + Sap + Vrauk MK1 + Biomass = Vrauk Cocoon 849. Steel + Liquid Nitrogen + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Prepared Petri Dish + Vrauk Cocoon = Retrovirus 850. Ethylene glycol + Ethanol + Magnetic Beads + Retrovirus = Chimeric Proteins 851. Moon + Animal = Wolf 852. Corpse + Wolf = Bone 853. Crafting Table + Bone = Bone Meal 854. 8 + Data Array (Factorio) = Sea sponge Codex 855. Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack + Sea sponge Codex = Sea Sponge DNA Sample 856. Earth + Sand = Soil 857. Discord + No = Order 858. Land + Order = Government 859. Paper + Government = Money 860. Money + Yes = Rich 861. Clay + Rich = Rich Clay 862. Soil + Rich Clay = Ground Sample 863. Seeds + Ralesia = Ralesia Seeds 864. Bone Meal + Ralesia Seeds + Incubated Petri Dish + Biosample = A-Biological Sample 865. Ground Sample + A-Biological Sample = Poor Alien Sample 866. Heat + Machine + Egg = Incubator 867. Tool + Light + Alternate = Lamp 868. Water + Motion + Machine = Pump 869. Pressure + Pump = Pressure pump 870. Air + Pressure pump = Pressurised Air 871. Wood + Incubator + Lamp + Prepared Petri Dish + Pressurised Air = Zogna Bacteria 872. Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Incubated Petri Dish + Zogna Bacteria = Plasmids 873. Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Incubated Petri Dish + Biosample + Biosample + Basic Substrate + Plasmids + Moss Gene Sample = cDNA 874. Water + Biosample + Sea sponge Codex + Sea Sponge DNA Sample + Poor Alien Sample + cDNA = Sea Sponge MK1 875. Tool + Dirt = Shovel 876. Human + Shovel = Miner 877. Miner + Hole = Mine 878. Mine + Alternate = Extract 879. 12 + Data Array (Factorio) = Dingrit Codex 880. DNA + DNA = Chromosome 881. Chromosome + Chromosome = Gene 882. Human + Universe = Science 883. 0 + Fake = O 884. O + O + O + O + O + O = P 885. A + E + C + L + P = Place 886. Science + Place = Laboratory 887. Gene + Laboratory = Gene Lab 888. Blood + Gene Lab = Albumin 889. Periodic Table + Periodic Table = Chemistry 890. Machine + Chemistry = Chemical Plant 891. Hydrogen + Titanium + Aromatics + Chemical Plant + Nexelit = Decalin 892. 9 + Atomic Number = Fluorine 893. Elements + Magnet = Cobalt 894. Fluorine + Fluorine + Cobalt = Cobalt(II) Fluoride 895. Decalin + Cobalt(II) Fluoride = Flutec PP6 896. Albumin + Flutec PP6 = Artificial Blood 897. N + I = In 898. 0 + 1 + Game = 1/2 899. Paper + Paper + Paper + Paper + Paper + Paper + Paper + Paper + Paper = Book 900. Book + Real = Non-Fiction 901. Opposites + Non-Fiction = Fiction 902. Human + Fiction = Character 903. 1/2 + Character = ½ 904. Paper + ½ = Side 905. In + Side = Inside 906. Animal + Inside = Animal Insides 907. Silver + Glassware + Animal Insides = Fetal Serum 908. Time + Loop = Time Loop 909. Chaos + Time Loop = Primer 910. Wood + Liquid = Pulp 911. Machine + Factorio + Pulp = Pulp Mill 912. Sodium Hydroxide + Fiber + Pulp Mill = Microfibers 913. Life + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide 914. Lava + Cold = Hardened Magma 915. Hardened Magma + Hardened Magma = Obsidian 916. Lava + Obsidian = Nether 917. Nether + Explosion = Bed 918. Elements + Order = Category 919. Water + Sex = Cum 920. Category + Cum = Fluid 921. Machine + Chemicals = Reactor 922. Bed + Fluid + Reactor = Fluidized Bed Reactor 923. Carbon Dioxide + Ammonia + Fluidized Bed Reactor = Formamide 924. 4 + Data Array (Factorio) = Ulric Codex 925. Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack + Ulric Codex = Horse DNA Sample 926. Water + Biosample + Ulric Codex + Horse DNA Sample + Poor Alien Sample + cDNA = Ulric MK1 927. 5 + 14 = 19 928. 19 + Data Array (Factorio) = Arqad Codex 929. Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack + Arqad Codex = Bee DNA Sample 930. Water + Biosample + cDNA + Arqad Codex + Bee DNA Sample = Arqad MK1 931. Ulric MK1 + Arqad MK1 = Arqad Honey 932. Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Vrauk Cocoon + Retrovirus + Arqad Honey = DNA Polymerase 933. 6 + Data Array (Factorio) = Korlex Codex 934. 7 + Data Array (Factorio) = Mukmoux Codex 935. Laboratory Instrument + Poor Alien Sample = A-Transport Science Pack 936. Steel Chest + Mukmoux Codex + A-Transport Science Pack = Cow DNA Sample 937. Fish + Korlex Codex + Poor Alien Sample + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Cow DNA Sample + Fetal Serum = Korlex MK1 938. Milk + Korlex MK1 = Korlex Milk 939. Plastic + Primer + Glassware + Microfibers + Formamide + Biosample + Poor Alien Sample + DNA Polymerase + Korlex Milk = Good Alien Sample 940. Metal + Money = Coin 941. Coin + 25 = Quarter 942. 2 + Quarter = Half 943. Half + Alternate = Semi 944. Conductor + Semi = Semiconductor 945. Metal + Semiconductor + Oxide = Metal Oxide Semiconductor 946. Opposites + Stop = Go 947. Opposites + Go + Alternate = Chess 948. 4 + B + Chess = B4 949. Word + B4 = Before 950. Time + Before = After 951. After + Action = Consequence 952. Similar + Consequence = Effect 953. Field + Effect = Field-Effect 954. Transistor + Metal Oxide Semiconductor + Field-Effect = Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 955. Short + Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor = MOSFET 956. Battery + Solder + Simple Circuit Boards + Complex Circuit Boards + MOSFET = A-Complex Circuit Board 957. Rubber + Optical Fiber + Sodium Hydroxide + Stainless steel + Tinned Cables + Nexelit + A-Complex Circuit Board + Good Alien Sample = A-Chemical Science Pack 958. Steel Chest + Dingrit Codex + A-Chemical Science Pack = Wolf DNA Sample 959. 17 + Data Array (Factorio) = Cottongut Codex 960. Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack + Cottongut Codex = Mouse DNA Sample 961. Water + Biosample + Generic Earth DNA Sample + cDNA + Cottongut Codex + Mouse DNA Sample = Cottongut Stud MK1 962. 11 + Data Array (Factorio) = Arthurian Codex 963. Energy + Death = Zombie 964. Zombie + Food = Brain 965. Brain + Nickel + Optical Fiber + Cermet + Ceramic Capacitor + Tier 2 PCBs + Agar + Biosample = Neuroprocessor 966. Similar + Cell = Tissue 967. Tissue + Tissue + Tissue + Tissue = Organs 968. Food + Organs = Tongue 969. Sugar + Tongue = Sweet 970. Category + Sweet = Taste 971. Taste + Taste = Flavour 972. -Ing + Flavour = Flavouring 973. Air + Earth + Fire + Water + Discord = Elemental On Discord 974. Elemental On Discord + Action + Alternate = Combine 975. Combine + Combine = Compound 976. Chemistry + Thing + Thing = Chemical Reaction 977. Money + Thing + No = Free 978. Electron + Atom + No = Unpaired Electron 979. Atom + Unpaired Electron = Radical 980. Free + Radical = Free Radicals 981. Compound + Chemical Reaction + Free Radicals = Antioxidants 982. Flavouring + Antioxidants = Flavonoids 983. Moss + Plastic + Glassware + Neuroprocessor + Poor Alien Sample + Good Alien Sample + Flavonoids = Py Science Pack 984. Steel Chest + Arthurian Codex + Py Science Pack = Lizard DNA Sample 985. Biosample + Arthurian Codex + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Fetal Serum + Good Alien Sample + Lizard DNA Sample = Arthurian MK1 986. 23 + Data Array (Factorio) = Grod Codex 987. Steel Chest + A-Transport Science Pack + Grod Codex = Jute DNA Sample 988. Water + Biosample + cDNA + Grod Codex + Jute DNA Sample = Grod MK1 989. Evaporator + Grod MK1 = Bedding 990. Water + Vrauk Cocoon + Cottongut Stud MK1 + Arthurian MK1 + Bedding = Arthurian Eggs 991. Biosample + Dingrit Codex + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Fetal Serum + Good Alien Sample + Wolf DNA Sample + Arthurian Eggs = Dingrit MK1 992. 1 + Extract + Dingrit MK1 = Dingrit Spike 993. Bone Meal + Plastic + Chromium + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Biosample + Sea Sponge MK1 + Dingrit Spike = Propeptides 994. Silicon + Oxygen + Oxygen = Silicon Dioxide 995. Silicon Dioxide + Alternate = Pure Sand 996. Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen + Carbon + Carbon = Acetaldehyde 997. Acetaldehyde + Formaldehyde = Acrolein 998. Aerogel + Ammonia + Acrolein + Microfibers = Sub-Denier Microfibers 999. Air + Coal = Coal Dust 1000. Chlorine + Chlorine + Zinc = Zinc chloride 1001. Nitrogen + Coal Dust + Sodium Hydroxide + Zinc chloride = Activated Carbon 1002. Gravel + Cellulose + Pure Sand + Sub-Denier Microfibers + Activated Carbon = Filtration Media 1003. 1 + Data Array (Factorio) = Fawogae Codex 1004. Chest + Fawogae Codex + A-Automation Science Pack = Mushroom DNA Sample 1005. 5 + Data Array (Factorio) = Bhoddos Codex 1006. Earth + Death + Plant = Mushrooms 1007. Mushrooms + Mushrooms = Fungi 1008. 1 + Fungi = Fungus 1009. Fungus + Seeds = Spores 1010. Machine + Spores + Collect = Spore Collector 1011. 2 + Spore Collector = Bhoddos Spore 1012. 1 + Spore Collector = Fawogae Spore 1013. Water + Biosample + Moss Gene Sample + Mushroom DNA Sample + Bhoddos Codex + cDNA + Bhoddos Spore + Fawogae Spore + Good Alien Sample = Bhoddos MK1 1014. Human + Night = Sleep 1015. Chemicals + Sleep = Melatonin 1016. Brain + Question + Parts + Melatonin = Pineal Gland 1017. Meat + Magnetic Beads + Filtration Media + Bhoddos MK1 + Pineal Gland = Calmodulin-Binding Mutant P. 1018. Chimeric Proteins + Propeptides + Calmodulin-Binding Mutant P. = Mutant Enzymes 1019. Sodium Hydroxide + Petri Dish + Chitin + Mutant Enzymes = Chitosan 1020. Liquid Nitrogen + Kevlar + Stainless steel + Nylon Parts + Nexelit + Graphene Roll + Advanced Coating + Advanced Small Parts + Chitosan = Cooling System (Factorio) 1021. Cheese + A + Intelligent Unit = A-Intelligent Unit 1022. Uraninite + Uraninite = Yellowcake 1023. Plural + Superconductor = Superconductors 1024. Lithium + Chlorine = Lithium Chloride 1025. Glass + Plastic + Vacuum + Lithium Chloride + Aerogel + Vanadium(V) oxide + Graphene Roll = Volumetric Energy Capacitor 1026. Nylon + Superconducting Coil + Sub-Denier Microfibers + Superconductors + Volumetric Energy Capacitor + Nanoelectromechanical Systems = Superconductor Servomechanisms 1027. Similar + Silicon Dioxide = Silica 1028. Sodium Hydroxide + Silica = Sodium silicate 1029. Sodium silicate + Ball Mill = Silica Powder 1030. Sulfur + Plastic + Vacuum + Lead + Silica Powder = Collodial Silica 1031. Boric acid + Silicon wafer + Etching solution + Phosphine + Collodial Silica = Quantum Dots 1032. Chromium + Cobalt + Alloy = Cobalt-Chromium Alloy 1033. 1D + Length = Line 1034. 0 + Idea = Opposite 1035. Line + Opposite = Curve 1036. Similar + Curve = Arc 1037. Electricity + Furnace + Factorio + Arc = Electric Arc Furnace 1038. Lead + Duralumin + Electric Arc Furnace + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Advanced Small Parts = Electric Arc Furnace MK2 1039. Stainless steel + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Cobalt-Chromium Alloy + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Superconductors + Paramagnetic Materials + Special Small Parts + Electric Arc Furnace MK2 = Electric Arc Furnace MK3 1040. Iron-Niobium alloy + Boron carbide + Super Alloy + Advanced Coating + Intelligent Unit + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Quantum Dots + Super Steel + Electric Arc Furnace MK3 = Electric Arc Furnace MK4 1041. Wood + Wood + Wood + Wood + Wood + Wood + Iron = Shield 1042. Wall + Shield = Wall Shield 1043. Dust + Elements = Skin 1044. Steam + Skin + Acetic Acid + Urea = Collagen 1045. Metal + Fuel = Engine 1046. Metal + Fuel + Engine = Car 1047. Metal + Car + Bed = Truck 1048. Fuel + Truck + Alternate = Diesel 1049. Hydrogen + Carbonmonoxide + Reaction = Fischer-Tropsch Process 1050. Reactor + Fischer-Tropsch Process = FTS Reactor 1051. Water + Lard + Nichrome + FTS Reactor = Oleochemicals 1052. Bone Meal + Oleochemicals + Ground Sample = Knallgas Bacteria 1053. Silver + Zinc + Alloy = Silver-Zinc Alloy 1054. Hydrogen Peroxide + Limestone + Hydrochloric Acid + Acetylene + Silver-Zinc Alloy = Silver Foam 1055. Diesel + Urea + Knallgas Bacteria + Silver Foam + Collagen = Biopolymer 1056. Bone Meal + Collagen + Biopolymer + Resilin + Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles = Hyperelastic Material 1057. Aerogel + Rayon + Super Alloy + Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles + Hyperelastic Material = Harmonic Absorber 1058. Glass + Steel + Engine + Melamine + Simple Circuit Boards + Small Parts = Agitator 1059. Glass + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Agitator = Agitator MK2 1060. Molybdenum + Carbon Aerogels + Graphene Roll + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Heavy Fermion Material + Agitator MK2 = Agitator MK3 1061. Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Wall Shield + Intelligent Unit + Harmonic Absorber + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Agitator MK3 = Agitator MK4 1062. Factory + Factorio = Automated Factory 1063. Water + Grass = Tall Grass 1064. Grass + Tall Grass + No = Tall 1065. House + Tall + Alternate = Tower 1066. Cold + Similar = Cool 1067. Factorio + Tower + Cool = Cooling Tower 1068. Rock + Oil = Crude Oil 1069. Similar + Crude Oil = Asphalt 1070. Automated Factory + Cooling Tower + Complex Circuit Boards + Niobium Pipe + Small Parts + Asphalt = Heat Exchanger 1071. Glass + Tin + Engine + Duralumin + Evaporator + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Advanced Small Parts = Evaporator MK2 1072. Niobium + Kevlar + Super Alloy + Superconductors + Heavy Fermion Material + Special Small Parts + Heat Exchanger + Evaporator MK2 = Evaporator MK3 1073. Iron-Niobium alloy + Boron carbide + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Advanced Coating + Intelligent Unit + Harmonic Absorber + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Super Steel + Evaporator MK3 = Evaporator MK4 1074. Life + Grass = Bugs 1075. Similar + Bugs + Alternate = Insect 1076. Good + Good = Great 1077. Opposites + Great = Trash 1078. Insect + Trash = Fly 1079. Motion + No = Still 1080. Fly + Still = Float 1081. Machine + Factorio + Cell + Float = Flotation Cell 1082. Lead + Duralumin + Flotation Cell + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Advanced Small Parts = Flotation Cell MK2 1083. The Opposite + The Opposite = The Same 1084. Metal + Engine = Vehicle 1085. Death + Human + Human = War 1086. Factory + War = Gun 1087. Human + Gun = Soldier 1088. Vehicle + Soldier = Tank 1089. Chest + Idea = Storage 1090. Tank + Storage = Storage Tank 1091. The Same + Lead + Pipe + Duralumin + Storage Tank = 7kL PyTank 1092. Stainless steel + Carbon Aerogels + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Biopolymer + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Special Small Parts + Flotation Cell MK2 + 7kL PyTank = Flotation Cell MK3 1093. Iron-Niobium alloy + Boron carbide + Super Alloy + Advanced Coating + Intelligent Unit + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Quantum Dots + Super Steel + Flotation Cell MK3 = Flotation Cell MK4 1094. Death + Swamp = Poison 1095. Poison + Poison + Poison = Toxin 1096. Toxin + Toxin = Venom 1097. Everything + Thing + Thing + Thing + Thing + Thing + Thing + Thing + Thing = Common 1098. Uranium + Common = Uranium-238 1099. Engine + Duralumin + Hydroclassifier + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Advanced Small Parts = Hydroclassifier MK2 1100. Energy + Clay = Blob 1101. Blob + Blob = Slime 1102. Energy + Rainbow = Magic 1103. Bottle + Magic + Alternate = Magic Bottle 1104. Thing + Thing + Thing + Thing = Object 1105. Object + Object + Object + Object = Cluster 1106. Opposites + Cluster = Separate 1107. Machine + Solid + Separate = Solid Separator 1108. Chemistry + Elemental On Discord = GIGA LOOP 1109. Ore + GIGA LOOP = Gigaloopite 1110. Jaw Crusher + Gigaloopite = Crushed Gigaloopite 1111. Automated Screener + Crushed Gigaloopite = Grade 1 Gigaloopite 1112. Solid Separator + Grade 1 Gigaloopite = Low Gigaloopite Concentrate 1113. Slime + Magic Bottle + Hydroclassifier MK2 + Low Gigaloopite Concentrate = Slimed Gigaloopite 1114. Venom + Uranium-238 + Hydroclassifier MK2 + Slimed Gigaloopite = Gigaloopite Slime 1115. Flotation Cell MK3 + Gigaloopite Slime = Gigaloopite Pulp 1 1116. Cheese + 4 + Gigaloopite Pulp 1 = Gigaloopite Pulp 5 1117. Flotation Cell MK4 + Gigaloopite Pulp 5 = Prepared Gigaloopite Pulp 1118. Agitator MK4 + Evaporator MK4 + Prepared Gigaloopite Pulp = Crystallized Gigaloopite 1119. Electric Arc Furnace MK4 + Crystallized Gigaloopite = Molten Gigaloopite 1120. Yellowcake + Casting Unit MK4 + Molten Gigaloopite = Radioactive Gigaloopite 1121. Hydrogen + 1 + Atomic Number = Proton 1122. Neutral + Proton = Neutron 1123. Proton + Neutron + Neutron = Tritium 1124. Primer + Glassware + Graphene Roll + Formamide + Biosample + DNA Polymerase + Good Alien Sample + Chitin + Arthurian Eggs = Great Alien Sample 1125. 18 + 18 = 36 1126. 36 + Data Array (Factorio) = Schrodinger Antelope Codex 1127. Steel Chest + Py Science Pack + Schrodinger Antelope Codex = Antelope DNA Sample 1128. Tritium + cDNA + Fetal Serum + Great Alien Sample + Schrodinger Antelope Codex + Antelope DNA Sample = Schrodinger Antelope 1129. 1 + Extract + Schrodinger Antelope = Contained Strangelets 1130. Plastic + Aluminum + Aerogel + Fiberglass = Low Density Structure 1131. Computer + Brain + Alternate = CPU 1132. Computer + Screen = Monitor 1133. Energy + Life = Evolution 1134. Electricity + Country = Technology 1135. Wire + Technology = Circuit 1136. Evolution + Circuit = Chip 1137. Monitor + Chip + Chip = GPU 1138. CPU + GPU = Processing Unit 1139. Electricity + Engine = Electric Engine 1140. Air + Air + Air + Air + Air + Water = Mississipi 1141. Mississipi + Mississipi = Missimississipi 1142. Gold + Missimississipi = Text 1143. Computer + Text = Code 1144. Machine + Code = Machine code 1145. Word + Machine code = Assembly 1146. Machine + Factorio + Assembly = Assembling Machine 1147. Pressure + Iron = Iron Plate 1148. Furnace + Iron Plate + Iron Plate + Iron Plate + Iron Plate + Iron Plate = Steel Plate 1149. Rubber + Copper Wire = Copper Cable 1150. Assembling Machine + Iron Plate + Copper Cable + Copper Cable + Copper Cable = Electronic Circuit 1151. Battery + Battery + Electric Engine + Assembling Machine + Steel Plate + Electronic Circuit + Electronic Circuit + Electronic Circuit = Flying Robot Frame 1152. Low Density Structure + Low Density Structure + Low Density Structure + Processing Unit + Processing Unit + Flying Robot Frame = Utility Science Pack 1153. Steam + Boric acid + Cellulose + Filtration Media = Nanocrystalline Cellulose 1154. Optical Fiber + Melamine + Bakelite + Nylon Parts + NENBIT Matrix + Microfibers + Paramagnetic Materials + Neuroprocessor + Nanocrystalline Cellulose = Empty Neuromorphic Chip 1155. Data Array (Factorio) + Empty Neuromorphic Chip = Neuromorphic Chip 1156. Chitin + Chitosan = Nanofibrils 1157. Plastic + Ceramic + Nylon + Glass fiber + Neodymium Magnet + Cobalt-Chromium Alloy + Alien Bacteria + Lithium Niobate + Nanofibrils = Bio-Battery 1158. Optical Fiber + Tier 3 PCBs + Bio-Battery = A-Mounted Circuit Substrate 1159. Solder + High-Tech Circuit Board + MOSFET + A-Complex Circuit Board + Neuromorphic Chip + Cooling System (Factorio) + A-Mounted Circuit Substrate = A-High-Tech Circuit Board 1160. Oxygen + Oxygen + Lithium + Lithium = Lithium peroxide 1161. Lithium peroxide + Nexelit = Infused Nexelit Cartridge 1162. Stainless steel + Complex Circuit Boards + Fuel Rod Mk1 + NENBIT Matrix + Infused Nexelit Cartridge = Control Unit (Factorio) 1163. Aluminum + Rare earth oxide + Neodymium Magnet + Laser Module + Cobalt(II) Fluoride + Nanofibrils = A-YAG Laser Module 1164. Steel + Optical Set + Paramagnetic Materials + Control Unit (Factorio) + Tier 4 PCBs + Lithium Niobate + Nanofibrils + A-YAG Laser Module = A-Optical Parametric Oscillat. 1165. Vanadium(V) oxide + Magnetic Core = Deposited Vanadium Core 1166. Molybdenum + Liquid Nitrogen + Complex Circuit Boards + Deposited Vanadium Core = Superconducting Magnetic Unit 1167. Nylon Parts + Complex Circuit Boards + Methanesulfonic Acid + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Neodymium Magnet + Superconducting Magnetic Unit = Superconductor Substrate 1168. Gold + Liquid Nitrogen + Silver-Zinc Alloy + Neodymium Magnet + Superconductor Substrate + Bio-Battery = A-Superconductor 1169. Nylon + Superconducting Coil + Sub-Denier Microfibers + Volumetric Energy Capacitor + Nanoelectromechanical Systems + A-Superconductor = A-Superconductor Servomech. 1170. Similar + Group = Team 1171. War + Team = Army 1172. Army + Army = Battle 1173. Human + Battle = Fighter 1174. Portal + Minecraft = Crossover 1175. Human + Human + Blood = Fight 1176. Crossover + Game + Fight = Super Smash Bros. 1177. Opposites + 9 = -9 1178. -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 = -20 1179. -20 + -20 = -40 1180. -40 + -40 + -20 = -100 1181. -9 + -100 = -109 1182. -1 + -109 = -110 1183. Fighter + Super Smash Bros. + -110 = Fall Guys 1184. Life + Fall Guys = Bean 1185. Plant + Factorio + Bean = Guar 1186. Tree + Seeds + Alternate = Tree Seeds 1187. 2 + Data Array (Factorio) = Ralesia Codex 1188. Ralesia Codex + Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack = Flower DNA Sample 1189. Water + Ralesia Codex + Biosample + Flower DNA Sample + cDNA = Ralesia MK1 1190. Steam + Wood + Ground Sample + Fawogae Codex + Mushroom DNA Sample + Fawogae Spore = Fawogae MK1 1191. Steam + Ash + Tin + Guar + Tree Seeds + Ralesia MK1 + Fawogae MK1 = Ulric Food 1192. Biosample + Arqad Honey + Ulric Food = Quality Ulric Food 1193. Life + Tool = Medicine 1194. Water + Destruction = Water Pollution 1195. Water + Water Pollution = Polluted Water 1196. Human + Polluted Water = Sick 1197. Life + Sick = Virus 1198. Medicine + Virus + Alternate = Antiviral 1199. Plural + Antiviral = Antivirals 1200. Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Oxygen + Sulfur + Cobalt = Cobalt(II) sulfate 1201. Sulfuric acid + Cobalt(II) sulfate = Clean Cobalt Sulfate 1202. Water + Clean Cobalt Sulfate = Cobalt Oxide 1203. Ceramic + Nexelit + Cobalt Oxide = Super Crystalline Structure 1204. Plastic + Glassware + Decalin + Plasmids + Sea Sponge MK1 = Cytostatics 1205. Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Sea Sponge MK1 + Cytostatics + Flavonoids + Arthurian Eggs = Microcin J25 1206. Human + Book + School = Study 1207. Life + Study = Biology 1208. Factory + Biology = Biofactory 1209. Lead Container + Advanced Coating = Coated Container 1210. Plastic + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Animal Insides + Retrovirus + Bhoddos MK1 + Microcin J25 = Zymogens 1211. Dimethyl sulfide + Glassware + Nexelit Matrix + Alien Bacteria + Coated Container + Laboratory Instrument + Agar + Zymogens = Matrix Metallopeptidases 1212. Nickel + Biofactory + Matrix Metallopeptidases = Peptidase M58 1213. 26 + Data Array (Factorio) = Phadai Codex 1214. Steel Chest + Py Science Pack + Phadai Codex = Tiger DNA Samples 1215. Biosample + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Fetal Serum + Cytostatics + Phadai Codex + Tiger DNA Samples + Great Alien Sample = Phadai MK1 1216. 1 + Extract + Phadai MK1 = Phadai Carapace 1217. 28 + Data Array (Factorio) = Vonix Codex 1218. Biosample + Flower DNA Sample + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Fetal Serum + Wolf DNA Sample + Arthurian Eggs + Great Alien Sample + Vonix Codex = Vonix MK1 1219. 1 + Extract + Vonix MK1 = Venom Gland 1220. Nexelit Matrix + Paramagnetic Materials + Animal Insides + Retrovirus + Super Crystalline Structure + Microcin J25 + Peptidase M58 + Phadai Carapace + Venom Gland = Alien Enzymes 1221. Oxygen + Ethylene = Ethylene oxide 1222. Ammonia + Ethylene oxide = Ethanolamine 1223. 16 + Data Array (Factorio) = Navens Codex 1224. 3 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 7 = 27 1225. 27 + Data Array (Factorio) = Yaedol Codex 1226. 4 + Spore Collector = Yaedols Spore 1227. Biosample + Moss Gene Sample + Mushroom DNA Sample + Fawogae Spore + Navens Codex + Good Alien Sample + Yaedol Codex + Yaedols Spore = Yaedol MK1 1228. 10 + Data Array (Factorio) = Zipir Codex 1229. Steel Chest + Zipir Codex + A-Transport Science Pack = Crustacean DNA Sample 1230. 9 + 20 = 29 1231. 29 + Data Array (Factorio) = Dhilmo Codex 1232. Fish + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Crustacean DNA Sample + Fetal Serum + Great Alien Sample + Dhilmo Codex = Dhilmo MK1 1233. Egg + Dhilmo MK1 = Dhilmo Egg 1234. 17 + 17 = 34 1235. 34 + Data Array (Factorio) = Cridren Codex 1236. Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack + Cridren Codex = Venus Flytrap DNA Sample 1237. Water + Biosample + cDNA + Good Alien Sample + Cridren Codex + Venus Flytrap DNA Sample = Cridren 1238. Ethanolamine + Glassware + Flutec PP6 + Retrovirus + Yaedol MK1 + Dhilmo Egg + Cridren = Gene Transfer Agent 1239. Human + Number + Alternate = Age 1240. Age + Seeds = Sapling 1241. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 21 1242. 21 + Data Array (Factorio) = Yotoi Aloe Codex 1243. Steel Chest + A-Transport Science Pack + Yotoi Aloe Codex = Tropical Tree DNA Samples 1244. Water + Sapling + Biosample + cDNA + Yotoi Aloe Codex + Tropical Tree DNA Samples + Good Alien Sample = Yotoi Aloe MK1 1245. Fruit + Yotoi Aloe MK1 = Yotoi Aloe Fruit 1246. Moss + Chromium + Organic Solvent + Glassware + Nexelit + Arqad Honey + Yotoi Aloe Fruit = Resveratrol 1247. Glassware + Magnetic Beads + Petri Dish + Retrovirus + Fawogae MK1 + Bhoddos MK1 + Yaedol MK1 + Resveratrol = Polyketide Synthase Enzymes 1248. Letter + Wrong = Typo 1249. Similar + Right = Correct 1250. Typo + Correct = Fix 1251. Life + Forest = Mammal 1252. Death + Mammal = Fur 1253. Proteins + Fur = Keratin 1254. 2 + Extract + Dingrit MK1 = Dingrit Fur 1255. Fix + Oleochemicals + Knallgas Bacteria + Chitin + Keratin + Dingrit Fur = Cysteine (Factorio) 1256. Plastic + Primer + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + cDNA + Chimeric Proteins + DNA Polymerase + Yaedol MK1 + Gene Transfer Agent = Adam42 Gene Sample 1257. Meat + Zinc + Serine + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Phadai Carapace + Cysteine (Factorio) + Gene Transfer Agent + Adam42 Gene Sample = Zinc Finger Fusion Proteins 1258. Plastic + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Zogna Bacteria + cDNA + Polyketide Synthase Enzymes + Zinc Finger Fusion Proteins = Enediynes 1259. Chromium + Liquid Nitrogen + Aromatics = Anthraquinone 1260. 11 + 22 = 33 1261. 33 + Data Array (Factorio) = Trits Codex 1262. Water + Biosample + Vrauk Cocoon + cDNA + Crustacean DNA Sample + Cow DNA Sample + Fetal Serum + Good Alien Sample + Trits Codex = Trits MK1 1263. 1 + Extract + Trits MK1 = Protophore 1264. Fix + Protophore = Photophore 1265. Knallgas Bacteria + Glassware + Anthraquinone + cDNA + Phadai Carapace + Zinc Finger Fusion Proteins + Photophore = Dynemicin 1266. Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Chitin + Propeptides + A-Superconductor Servomech. + Alien Enzymes + Gene Transfer Agent + Enediynes + Dynemicin = Antitumor Nanomachines 1267. Water + Salt + Fiber + Ulric MK1 + Bedding + Quality Ulric Food + Antivirals + Antitumor Nanomachines = Improved Ulric (Antitumor) 1268. Steel + Super Alloy + Industrial Diamonds = Divertor 1269. Vacuum + Coke + Graphene Roll + Carbon Nanotubes = Pyrolytic Carbon 1270. Copper + Niobium + Lead + Neodymium Magnet + Rayon + Pyrolytic Carbon = Dimagnetic Material 1271. Vacuum + Titanium + Chromium + Super Crystalline Structure = Ti-Co-Cr Alloy 1272. Plastic + Lead + Latex + Duralumin + Gene Lab + Neuroprocessor + A-Complex Circuit Board = Gene Lab MK2 1273. Aerogel + Boron carbide + Biopolymer + Superconducting Magnetic Unit + Carbon Nanotubes + Dimagnetic Material + Ti-Co-Cr Alloy + A-High-Tech Circuit Board + Gene Lab MK2 = Gene Lab MK3 1274. Industrial Diamonds + Paramagnetic Materials + Harmonic Absorber + Dimagnetic Material + A-Optical Parametric Oscillat. + Contained Strangelets = A-Nitrogen-Vacancy Center 1275. Kevlar + NENBIT Matrix + Graphene Roll + Divertor + Nanoelectromechanical Systems + Low Density Structure + A-Intelligent Unit + Gene Lab MK3 + A-Nitrogen-Vacancy Center = Gene Lab MK4 1276. Improved Ulric (Antitumor) + Gene Lab MK4 = Magnetic Organ 1277. Cheese + Proteins = Casein 1278. 9 + Data Array (Factorio) = Tuuphra Codex 1279. Steel Chest + Tuuphra Codex + A-Transport Science Pack = Potato DNA Sample 1280. Water + Biosample + Tuuphra Codex + Poor Alien Sample + cDNA + Potato DNA Sample = Tuuphra MK1 1281. Seeds + Tuuphra MK1 = Tuuphra Seeds 1282. Plant + Organs = Leaf 1283. Leaf + Yotoi Aloe MK1 = Yotoi Leaves 1284. Fish + Oil = Fish Oil 1285. Steam + Meat + Tin + Biosample + Ralesia MK1 + Fawogae MK1 + Tuuphra Seeds + Yotoi Leaves + Fish Oil = Arthurian Food 1286. Ash + Casein + Animal Insides + Grod MK1 + Arthurian Food = Quality Arthurian Food 1287. Boron + Vacuum + Aluminum + Titanium + Nexelit + Powdered Phosphate Rock + Paramagnetic Materials = Metallic Glass 1288. 1 + Extract + Cridren = Cridren Adrenal Cortex 1289. 3 + Extract + Dingrit MK1 = Dingrit Pelt 1290. Paramagnetic Materials + Metallic Glass + Chitin + Propeptides + Pineal Gland + Ti-Co-Cr Alloy + Alien Enzymes + Cridren Adrenal Cortex + Dingrit Pelt = Nanochondria 1291. Water + Fiber + Cottongut Stud MK1 + Bedding + Arthurian Eggs + Quality Arthurian Food + Antivirals + Nanochondria = Improved Arthurian (Nanochon.) 1292. Improved Arthurian (Nanochon.) + Gene Lab MK4 = Polynuclear Ganglion 1293. Light + Oil = Light Oil 1294. Nichrome + Light Oil = Olefins 1295. 30 + Data Array (Factorio) = Simik Codex 1296. Steel Chest + A-Transport Science Pack + Simik Codex = Unknown and Exotic Alien D.S. 1297. Biosample + Poor Alien Sample + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Fetal Serum + Lizard DNA Sample + Tiger DNA Samples + Simik Codex + Unknown and Exotic Alien D.S. = Simik 1298. 3 + Spore Collector = Navens Spore 1299. Water + Biosample + Mushroom DNA Sample + cDNA + Navens Spore + Good Alien Sample = Navens MK1 1300. 13 + Data Array (Factorio) = Xyhiphoe Codex 1301. Water + Biosample + Xyhiphoe Codex + Vrauk Cocoon + Poor Alien Sample + cDNA + Crustacean DNA Sample + Fetal Serum = Xyhiphoe MK1 1302. Sulfur + Lead + Skin + Coal Dust + Uraninite + Olefins + Albumin + Navens MK1 + Xyhiphoe MK1 = Simik Food 1303. Blood + Lead + Biosample + Yaedol MK1 + Simik Food = Quality Simik Food 1304. Fuel + Gas = Natural Gas 1305. Furnace + Oxygen + Factorio = Basic Oxygen Furnace 1306. Steam + Coal + Basic Oxygen Furnace = Red-Hot Coke 1307. Fish + Factorio = Zipir 1308. Egg + Zipir = Zipir Eggs 1309. Coal + Natural Gas + Ralesia MK1 + Red-Hot Coke + Zipir Eggs = Arqad Egg 1310. Time + Arqad Egg = Arqad Maggot 1311. Olefins + Sea Sponge MK1 + Yotoi Leaves + Simik + Antivirals + Quality Simik Food + Nanochondria + Nanochondria + Arqad Maggot = Improved Simik (Nanochondria) 1312. Improved Simik (Nanochondria) + Gene Lab MK4 = Hormonal Thoughtorg 1313. Bone Meal + Ralesia Seeds = Biological Sample 1314. Ground Sample + Biological Sample = Alien Sample 1315. Glassware + Alien Sample + Laboratory Instrument + Prepared Petri Dish + Biosample + Plasmids + cDNA + Pineal Gland = Growth Factor 1316. Death + Bird = Feather 1317. Feather + Hydrolysis = Cysteine 1318. Meat + Cysteine + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Navens MK1 + Great Alien Sample + Alien Enzymes + Cridren Adrenal Cortex + Gene Transfer Agent = RecA Protein 1319. Water + Poison = Poisonous Water 1320. Fish + Poisonous Water = Dead Fish 1321. Dead Fish + Dead Fish = Fertilizer 1322. 20 + Data Array (Factorio) = Rennea Codex 1323. Steel Chest + A-Transport Science Pack + Rennea Codex = Sunflower DNA Sample 1324. Water + Fertilizer + Biosample + cDNA + Rennea Codex + Sunflower DNA Sample + Good Alien Sample = Rennea MK1 1325. Wood + Wood = Stick 1326. Blade + Stick = Sword 1327. Human + Acid = Skeleton 1328. Nether + Skeleton = Wither Skeleton 1329. Sword + Wither Skeleton + Alternate = Bones 1330. Guar + Solid Separator = Guar Bean Seeds 1331. Pulp Mill + Guar Bean Seeds = Guar Gum 1332. Steam + Fish + Bones + Seaweed + Plastic + Ralesia Seeds + Guar Gum + Biomass = Zipir Chum 1333. Blood + Biosample + Tuuphra MK1 + Fawogae MK1 + Navens MK1 + Rennea MK1 + Zipir Chum = Quality Zipir Chum 1334. Fish + Phytoplankton + Saline Water + Basic Substrate + Growth Factor + RecA Protein + Antivirals + Zipir Eggs + Quality Zipir Chum = Improved Zipir (RecA) 1335. Improved Zipir (RecA) + Gene Lab MK4 = Adaptable Automucosa 1336. 14 + Data Array (Factorio) = Scondrix Codex 1337. Steel Chest + Scondrix Codex + A-Chemical Science Pack = Roadrunner DNA Sample 1338. Biosample + cDNA + Scondrix Codex + Artificial Blood + Fetal Serum + Lizard DNA Sample + Roadrunner DNA Sample + Arthurian Eggs + Great Alien Sample = Scondrix MK1 1339. Water + Salt + Fiber + Navens MK1 + Yotoi Leaves + Scondrix MK1 + Antivirals + Antitumor Nanomachines = Improved Scondrix (Antitumor) 1340. Improved Scondrix (Antitumor) + Gene Lab MK4 = Intestinal Electrical Epithel. 1341. Coal + Sap + Natural Gas + Ralesia MK1 + Arqad MK1 + Antivirals + Antitumor Nanomachines + Red-Hot Coke + Zipir Eggs = Improved Arqad (Antitumor) 1342. Improved Arqad (Antitumor) + Gene Lab MK4 = Sternite Prespiration Lung 1343. Seeds + Rennea MK1 = Rennea Seed 1344. Fish + Bones + Plastic + Meat + Guar Gum + Casein + Animal Insides + Ralesia MK1 + Rennea Seed = Phadai Food 1345. Ash + Lard + Yotoi Aloe Fruit + Phadai Food = Quality Phadai Food 1346. Water + Meat + Lamp + Fawogae MK1 + Bedding + Phadai MK1 + RecA Protein + Antivirals + Quality Phadai Food = Improved Phadai (RecA) 1347. Improved Phadai (RecA) + Gene Lab MK4 = Subdermal Chemosnare 1348. Skeleton + Inside = Endoskeleton 1349. Opposites + Endoskeleton = Exoskeleton 1350. Glass + Exoskeleton + Plastic + Rubber + Kevlar + Silver Foam + Biofilm + Advanced Coating + Metallic Glass = Dingrit Space Suit 1351. Metal + Metal + Fuel = Rocket 1352. Fuel + Rocket = Rocket Fuel 1353. Factory + Electronics = Electronic Factory 1354. Plastic + Steel + Niobium + Electronic Factory + Complex Circuit Boards = Electronics Factory MK2 1355. Energy + Motion = Speed 1356. Addition + Addition = Multiplication 1357. Ring + Multiplication + Addition = Module 1358. Speed + Module = Speed Module 1 1359. Simple Circuit Boards + Complex Circuit Boards + Electronics Factory MK2 + Speed Module 1 = Rocket Control Unit 1360. Rock + Sand + Chemistry = Concrete 1361. Steel + Titanium + Concrete + Electric Engine + Complex Circuit Boards + Niobium Pipe = Rocket Silo 1362. Low Density Structure + Rocket Fuel + Rocket Control Unit + Rocket Silo = Rocket Parts 1363. 100 + Rocket Parts = Rocket (Factorio) 1364. Steam + Bones + Plastic + Meat + Guar Gum + Animal Insides + Tuuphra MK1 + Yotoi Aloe Fruit + Fish Oil = Dingrit Food 1365. Skin + Casein + Biosample + Dingrit Food = Quality Dingrit Food 1366. Water + Bedding + Yotoi Leaves + Dingrit MK1 + Growth Factor + Yaedol MK1 + RecA Protein + Quality Dingrit Food + Antivirals = Improved Dingrit (RecA) 1367. Dingrit Space Suit + Rocket (Factorio) + Improved Dingrit (RecA) = Cosmic Space Dingrit 1368. Cosmic Space Dingrit + Gene Lab MK4 = Snarer Heart 1369. Schrodinger Antelope + Gene Lab MK4 = Dimensional Gastricorg 1370. Lard + Cysteine + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Animal Insides + Matrix Metallopeptidases + Alien Enzymes + Gene Transfer Agent + Adam42 Gene Sample = Recombinant Erythropoietin 1371. Seeds + Yotoi Aloe MK1 = Yotoi Aloe Seeds 1372. Steam + Seaweed + Plastic + Nickel + Skin + Guar Gum + Animal Insides + Biomass + Yotoi Aloe Seeds = Dhilmo Food 1373. Bones + Blood + Navens MK1 + Dhilmo Food = Quality Dhilmo Food 1374. Seaweed + Phytoplankton + Saline Water + Filtration Media + Dhilmo Egg + Recombinant Erythropoietin + Quality Dhilmo Food + Antivirals = Improved Dhilmo (R.E..) 1375. Gene Lab MK4 + Improved Dhilmo (R.E..) = Autoantigens 1376. Fish + Coke + Serine + Formamide = Purine Analogues 1377. 35 + Data Array (Factorio) = Kmaut Codex 1378. Water + Biosample + Vrauk Cocoon + cDNA + Good Alien Sample + Kmaut Codex = Kmaut MK1 1379. 1 + Extract + Kmaut MK1 = Kmaut Tendons 1380. Bones + Collagen + Chitin + Kmaut Tendons = Hyaline 1381. Glassware + Collagen + Laboratory Instrument + Purine Analogues + Chitin + Pineal Gland + Ti-Co-Cr Alloy + Alien Enzymes + Hyaline = Bone Morphogenetic Proteins 1382. 22 + Data Array (Factorio) = Xeno Codex 1383. Biosample + Generic Earth DNA Sample + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Good Alien Sample + Xeno Codex = Xeno MK1 1384. Egg + Xeno MK1 = Xeno Egg 1385. Biosample + Mukmoux Codex + cDNA + Artificial Blood + Cow DNA Sample + Fetal Serum + Good Alien Sample = Mukmoux MK1 1386. Water + Fish + Bones + Animal Insides + Ulric MK1 + Antivirals + Bone Morphogenetic Proteins + Xeno Egg + Mukmoux MK1 = Improved Xeno (BMP) 1387. Gene Lab MK4 + Improved Xeno (BMP) = Cognition Osteochain 1388. Steam + Moss + Seaweed + Plastic + Fawogae MK1 = Auog Food 1389. Ash + Casein + Biosample + Tree Seeds + Ralesia MK1 + Auog Food = Quality Auog Food 1390. Meat + Cysteine + Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Purine Analogues + Alien Enzymes + Cridren Adrenal Cortex + Gene Transfer Agent + Adam42 Gene Sample = Anabolic RNA 1391. 15 + Data Array (Factorio) = Auog Codex 1392. Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack + Auog Codex = Bear DNA Sample 1393. Water + Biosample + Generic Earth DNA Sample + cDNA + Auog Codex + Bear DNA Sample = Auog MK1 1394. Water + Moss + Sap + Fiber + Bedding + Quality Auog Food + Anabolic RNA + Antivirals + Auog MK1 = Improved Auog (Ana. RNA) 1395. Gene Lab MK4 + Improved Auog (Ana. RNA) = Glandular Myocluster 1396. Egg + Vonix MK1 = Vonix Eggs 1397. Glassware + Laboratory Instrument + Animal Insides + Yotoi Aloe MK1 + Grod MK1 + Phadai Carapace + Alien Enzymes + Cridren + Vonix Eggs = Orexigenics 1398. 18 + Data Array (Factorio) = Kicalk Codex 1399. Steel Chest + A-Automation Science Pack + Kicalk Codex = Palm Tree DNA Sample 1400. Water + Biosample + Poor Alien Sample + cDNA + Kicalk Codex + Palm Tree DNA Sample = Kicalk MK1 1401. Seeds + Kicalk MK1 = Kicalk Seed 1402. Steam + Fish + Seaweed + Salt + Meat + Tin + Fawogae MK1 + Kicalk Seed = Korlex Food 1403. Casein + Biosample + Biomass + Sea Sponge MK1 + Tuuphra MK1 + Rennea MK1 + Yaedol MK1 + Fish Oil + Korlex Food = Quality Korlex Food 1404. Water + Fish + Ash + Korlex MK1 + Bedding + Antivirals + Orexigenics + Quality Korlex Food = Improved Korlex (Orexi.) 1405. Gene Lab MK4 + Improved Korlex (Orexi.) = Cryogland 1406. Magnetic Organ + Polynuclear Ganglion + Hormonal Thoughtorg + Adaptable Automucosa + Intestinal Electrical Epithel. + Sternite Prespiration Lung + Subdermal Chemosnare + Snarer Heart + Dimensional Gastricorg + Autoantigens + Cognition Osteochain + Glandular Myocluster + Cryogland = Perfect Samples 1407. Utility Science Pack + A-High-Tech Circuit Board + A-Optical Parametric Oscillat. + A-Superconductor Servomech. + A-Intelligent Unit + Perfect Samples = A-Utility Science Pack 1408. Biopolymer + Volumetric Energy Capacitor + Quantum Dots + Contained Strangelets = A-Quantum Vortex Storage Sys. 1409. Boron carbide + Neodymium Magnet + Advanced Coating + Wall Shield + Harmonic Absorber + Super Steel + Low Density Structure + A-Superconductor Servomech. + A-Intelligent Unit = PyAL MK4 Building Mit 1410. Iron-Niobium alloy + Phosphate Glass + Super Alloy + Hyperelastic Material + Nanoelectromechanical Systems + Quantum Dots + Metallic Glass + A-Nitrogen-Vacancy Center + PyAL MK4 Building Mit = PyAL MK4 Building Kit 1411. Aerogel + Silver-Zinc Alloy + NENBIT Matrix + Silver Foam + Sub-Denier Microfibers + Divertor + Control Unit (Factorio) + A-Quantum Vortex Storage Sys. + PyAL MK4 Building Kit = PyAL MK4 Building Kit 2.0 1412. Death + Human + Magic = Soul 1413. Death + Soul + Jungle Dragon Yharon = Yharon Soul Fragment 1414. Death + Ore + Jungle Dragon Yharon = Auric Ore 1415. Death + Life + Life = Afterlife 1416. Human + Afterlife = Ghost 1417. Liquid + Ghost = Ectoplasm 1418. Magic + Extract = Essence 1419. Chaos + Essence = Essence of Chaos 1420. Ectoplasm + Essence of Chaos = Core of Chaos 1421. Cold + Essence = Essence of Elum 1422. Ectoplasm + Essence of Elum = Core of Elum 1423. Light + Star = Starlight 1424. Sun + Starlight = Sunlight 1425. Sunlight + Essence = Essence of Sunlight 1426. Ectoplasm + Essence of Sunlight = Core of Sunlight 1427. Mythril Anvil + Core of Chaos + Core of Elum + Core of Sunlight = Core of Calamity 1428. Earth + Lava + Death = Underworld 1429. Red + Red = Crimson 1430. Crimson + Alternate = Corruption 1431. Good + Corruption = Hallow 1432. Underworld + Boss + Hallow + Calamity = Providence the Profaned God. 1433. Death + Essence + Providence the Profaned God. = Unholy Essence 1434. Metal + Human + Murder = Prison 1435. Brain + Science = Knowledge 1436. Energy + Human = Wizard 1437. Wizard + Alternate = Mage 1438. Knowledge + Mage = Archmage 1439. Ice + Prison + Archmage = Cryogen (Calamity) 1440. Death + Ore + Fix + Cryogen (Calamity) = Cryonic Ore 1441. 5 + Adamantite Forge + Cryonic Ore = Cryonic Bar 1442. Terraria + 13 + Boss = Plantera 1443. Death + Ore + Plantera = Perennial Ore 1444. 5 + Adamantite Forge + Perennial Ore = Perennial Bar 1445. Air + Atmosphere = Void 1446. Water + Void + Alternate = Abyss 1447. Ore + Abyss + Calamity = Scoria Ore 1448. 5 + Adamantite Forge + Scoria Ore = Scoria Bar 1449. Mythril Anvil + Cryonic Bar + Perennial Bar + Scoria Bar = Life Alloy 1450. Dust + Star = Stardust 1451. Similar + Pole = Pillar 1452. Stardust + Pillar = Stardust Pillar 1453. Death + Stardust Pillar = Stardust Fragment 1454. Space + Sky = Nebula 1455. Nebula + Pillar = Nebula Pillar 1456. Death + Nebula Pillar = Nebula Fragment 1457. Sun + Pillar = Solar Pillar 1458. Death + Solar Pillar = Solar Fragment 1459. Stardust Fragment + Nebula Fragment + Solar Fragment = Vortex Fragment 1460. Game + Change = Mod 1461. Terraria + Mod + Calamity = Calamity Mod 1462. Stardust Fragment + Nebula Fragment + Solar Fragment + Vortex Fragment + Ancient Manipulator + Calamity Mod = Galactica Singularity 1463. Yharon Soul Fragment + Darksun Fragment + Auric Ore + Draedon's Forge + Core of Calamity + Unholy Essence + Life Alloy + Galactica Singularity = True Auric Tesla Bar 1464. Molten Gigaloopite + Draedon's Forge + Unholy Essence = Profaned Gigaloopite 1465. Opposites + 3 = -3 1466. -40 + -40 = -80 1467. -3 + -80 = -83 1468. Elements + -83 = Pyanodium 1469. -1 + -1 + -1 + -1 = -4 1470. Elements + -4 = Nubocine 1471. Elements + -3 = Ryanynium 1472. Elements + -9 = Lavalordston 1473. Periodic Table + Void = Voidnium 1474. Sand Casting + Casting Unit MK4 + Molten Gigaloopite = Gigaloopite Bar 1475. Death + Bars + Cryogen (Calamity) = Frigid Bar 1476. Ore + Titanium + Alternate = Titanium Ore 1477. 30 + Hellforge + Titanium Ore = Titanium Forge 1478. Death + Ore + Providence the Profaned God. = Ueilbloom Ore 1479. 5 + Titanium Forge + Ueilbloom Ore = Ueilbloom Bar 1480. Hell + Stone = Hellstone 1481. Charcoal + Ore = Ingot 1482. Alternate + Ingot = Bar 1483. Hellstone + Bar = Hellstone Bar 1484. Minecraft + 6 + Color = Pink 1485. 9 + 10 + 60 = 79 1486. Metal + Periodic Table + Pink + I + 79 = Orichalcum 1487. Anvil + Orichalcum = Orichalcum Anvil 1488. Brain + Lens = Eye 1489. Bird + Cloud = Harpy 1490. Hell + Harpy = Demon 1491. Eye + Demon = Demon Eye 1492. Nope + Order = Disorder 1493. Human + Disorder = Disease 1494. Plant + Disease = Blight 1495. Demon Eye + Blight + Calamity Mod = Blighted Eye 1496. Lens + Blighted Eye = Blighted Lens 1497. 3 + 10 + 7 + Hellstone Bar + Orichalcum Anvil + Essence of Chaos + Blighted Lens = Eye Of Desolation 1498. 5 + Draedon's Forge + Eye Of Desolation + True Auric Tesla Bar = Eye Of Extinction 1499. Action + Eye Of Extinction = Supreme Calamitas 1500. Death + Essence + Supreme Calamitas = Calamitous Essence 1501. Draedon's Forge + True Auric Tesla Bar + Calamitous Essence = Shadowspec Bar 1502. Boss + Corruption + Calamity = The Hive Mind 1503. Death + Ore + The Hive Mind = Aerialite Ore 1504. Furnace + 4 + Aerialite Ore = Aerialite Bar 1505. Gigaloopite Bar + Cosmilite Bar + Frigid Bar + Draedon's Forge + Life Alloy + True Auric Tesla Bar + Ueilbloom Bar + Shadowspec Bar + Aerialite Bar = Super Gigaloopite Alloy 1506. 42 + No = -42 1507. Elements + -42 = Universium 1508. Nubocine + Ryanynium + Lavalordston + Voidnium + Draedon's Forge + True Auric Tesla Bar + Super Gigaloopite Alloy + Universium + Pyanodium = Hyper Gigaloopite Alloy 1509. A-Intelligent Unit + Contained Strangelets + A-Utility Science Pack + PyAL MK4 Building Kit 2.0 + True Auric Tesla Bar + Profaned Gigaloopite + Pyanodium + Hyper Gigaloopite Alloy = MK5 Augmentations Kit 1510. Phosphate Glass + Superconductors + Carbon Nanotubes + Nanowires + Heavy Fermion Material + Dimagnetic Material = Pi Josephson Junction 1511. Earth + Power = Earthquake 1512. Lava + Earthquake = Magma 1513. Metal + Magma = Molten Metal 1514. Factory + Molten Metal = Foundry 1515. Factorio + Foundry = Advanced Foundry 1516. Plastic + Steel + Concrete + Advanced Foundry + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit = Advanced Foundry MK2 1517. Titanium + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Harmonic Absorber + Dimagnetic Material + Super Steel + Special Small Parts + Heat Exchanger + Advanced Foundry MK2 = Advanced Foundry MK3 1518. Iron-Niobium alloy + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Advanced Coating + Wall Shield + Intelligent Unit + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Super Steel + Pi Josephson Junction + Advanced Foundry MK3 = Advanced Foundry MK4 1519. Fuel + Oil = Gasoline 1520. Snow + Gasoline = Glue 1521. Biopolymer + Volumetric Energy Capacitor + Quantum Dots = Quantum Vortex Storage System 1522. Iron + Simple Circuit Boards + Small Parts = Inserter 1523. Milk + Fat + Alternate = Cream 1524. Opposites + Verb = Noun 1525. Opposites + Hard = Easy 1526. Noun + Easy = Ease 1527. Nope + Magic = Boring 1528. Opposites + Boring = Fun 1529. Gravity + Fun = Slide 1530. Cream + Ease + Slide = Lubricant 1531. Steel + Simple Circuit Boards + Small Parts + Rubber Belts + Inserter + Lubricant = Fast Inserter 1532. Plastic + Engine + Stainless steel + Duralumin + Automated Factory + Assembling Machine + Complex Circuit Boards + Advanced Small Parts + Fast Inserter = Automated Factory MK2 1533. Biopolymer + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Volumetric Energy Capacitor + Paramagnetic Materials + Super Steel + Special Small Parts + Heat Exchanger + Automated Factory MK2 = Automated Factory MK3 1534. Iron-Niobium alloy + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Advanced Coating + Wall Shield + Intelligent Unit + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Quantum Vortex Storage System + Automated Factory MK3 = Automated Factory MK4 1535. Electricity + No = Power Outage 1536. Energy + Power Outage = Dark 1537. Dark + Color = Black 1538. Glue + Paper + Alternate = Tape 1539. Black + Tape = Black Tape 1540. Opposites + 2 = -2 1541. Air + Hydraulics = Jump 1542. Human + Jump = Mario 1543. Mario + 2 = Super Mario Bros. 2 1544. -2 + Super Mario Bros. 2 = Super Mario Bros 1545. 1 + Word + Super Mario Bros = Super 1546. Glue + Super = Super Glue 1547. Black Tape + Super Glue = Flex Tape 1548. Human + Alternate = Man 1549. Man + Flex Tape = Phil Swift 1550. Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life + Life = Cat 1551. Cat + Similar = Dog 1552. Water + Dog = Seal 1553. Seal + Flex Tape = Flex Seal 1554. Glue + Automated Factory MK4 + Flex Tape + Phil Swift + Flex Seal + Molten Gigaloopite = GIGA-Flex Seal 1555. Advanced Foundry MK4 + PyAL MK4 Building Kit 2.0 + Gigaloopite Bar + Shadowspec Bar + Hyper Gigaloopite Alloy + GIGA-Flex Seal = MK5 Casing Kit 1556. Liquid Helium + Sand Casting + Casting Unit MK4 + Cooling System (Factorio) + A-Intelligent Unit + Draedon's Forge + Radioactive Gigaloopite + MK5 Augmentations Kit + MK5 Casing Kit = Casting Unit MK5 1557. Latex + Duralumin + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Advanced Small Parts + Neuroprocessor = PyAL MK2 Building Kit 1558. Glass + Biofactory + PyAL MK2 Building Kit = Biofactory MK2 1559. Aerogel + Carbon Aerogels + Graphene Roll + Biopolymer + Super Alloy + Special Small Parts + Neuromorphic Chip + Ti-Co-Cr Alloy + A-High-Tech Circuit Board = PyAL MK3 Building Kit 1560. Molybdenum + Phosphate Glass + Superconducting Magnetic Unit + Super Alloy + Carbon Nanotubes + Paramagnetic Materials + Heat Exchanger + PyAL MK3 Building Kit = PyAL MK3 Building Kit 2.0 1561. Nichrome + Dimagnetic Material + Biofactory MK2 + PyAL MK3 Building Kit 2.0 = Biofactory MK3 1562. Biofactory MK3 + PyAL MK4 Building Kit 2.0 = Biofactory MK4 1563. Casting Unit MK4 + Perfect Samples + Biofactory MK4 + Molten Gigaloopite + Radioactive Gigaloopite = Biological Gigaloopite 1564. Grass + Grass = Weed 1565. Swamp + Swamp = Shrek 1566. Mud + Shrek = Shrek's Swamp 1567. Shrek's Swamp + Shrek's Swamp = Memes 1568. Fish + Land = Frog 1569. Memes + Frog = Pepe The Frog 1570. 7 + 30 + 300 + 1000 = 1337 1571. 2 + 66 = 68 1572. 68 + ASCII = D 1573. E + R + D + D + I + T = Reddit 1574. Number + Reddit = 69420 1575. Elements + -1 = Dankmemesium 1576. Shrek + Weed = Dank Memes 1577. Reddit + Dank Memes = R/Dank Memes 1578. Dankmemesium + R/Dank Memes + Essence of Chaos + Draedon's Forge = Essence of Dank Memes 1579. Weed + Culture + Pepe The Frog + 1337 + 69420 + Molten Gigaloopite + Profaned Gigaloopite + Essence of Dank Memes = Dank Gigaloopite 1580. Electric Arc Furnace MK4 + Chitosan + Draedon's Forge + Radioactive Gigaloopite + MK5 Augmentations Kit + MK5 Casing Kit + Biological Gigaloopite + Dank Gigaloopite = Electric Arc Furnace MK5 1581. House + Idea = Building 1582. Heat + Ore + Action = Sintering 1583. Building + Sintering = Sinter Plant 1584. Lead + Duralumin + Basic Oxygen Furnace + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Advanced Small Parts = Basic Oxygen Furnace MK2 1585. Carbon Aerogels + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Graphene Roll + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Heavy Fermion Material + Super Steel + Special Small Parts + Basic Oxygen Furnace MK2 = Basic Oxygen Furnace MK3 1586. Iron-Niobium alloy + Super Alloy + Advanced Coating + Intelligent Unit + Harmonic Absorber + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Super Steel + Low Density Structure + Basic Oxygen Furnace MK3 = Basic Oxygen Furnace MK4 1587. Sinter Plant + Basic Oxygen Furnace MK4 + Electric Arc Furnace MK4 + Draedon's Forge + Radioactive Gigaloopite + Hyper Gigaloopite Alloy + MK5 Augmentations Kit + MK5 Casing Kit = Basic Oxygen Furnace MK5 1588. Machine + Electron + Alternate = Particle Accelerator 1589. Plastic + Niobium + Electric Engine + Graphene Roll + High-Tech Circuit Board + Superconductors + Particle Accelerator = Particle Accelerator MK2 1590. Electric Engine + Iron-Niobium alloy + Hyperelastic Material + Intelligent Unit + Low Density Structure + Particle Accelerator MK2 = Particle Accelerator MK3 1591. Industrial Diamonds + Paramagnetic Materials + Harmonic Absorber + Dimagnetic Material + Optical Parametric Oscillator = Nitrogen-Vacancy Center 1592. Building + Electrolysis = Electrolyser 1593. Engine + Duralumin + Electrolyser + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit + Advanced Small Parts = Electrolyzer MK2 1594. Stainless steel + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Graphene Roll + Biopolymer + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Carbon Nanotubes + Special Small Parts + Electrolyzer MK2 = Electrolyzer MK3 1595. Iron-Niobium alloy + Boron carbide + Super Alloy + Advanced Coating + Intelligent Unit + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Nitrogen-Vacancy Center + Super Steel + Electrolyzer MK3 = Electrolyzer MK4 1596. Particle Accelerator MK3 + Basic Oxygen Furnace MK3 + Electrolyzer MK4 + A-Intelligent Unit + Contained Strangelets + Draedon's Forge + Radioactive Gigaloopite + MK5 Augmentations Kit + MK5 Casing Kit = Electrolyzer MK5 1597. Energy + 1 = Jan Inewis 1598. Energy + Jan Inewis = Low 1599. Opposites + Low = High 1600. Pressure + Furnace + High = High Pressured Furnace 1601. Steel + Tin + Concrete + Duralumin + High Pressured Furnace + Complex Circuit Boards + Nexelit = High-Pressure Furnace MK2 1602. Kevlar + Carbon Aerogels + Phosphate Glass + Niobium Pipe + High-Tech Circuit Board + Super Alloy + Heavy Fermion Material + Heat Exchanger + High-Pressure Furnace MK2 = High-Pressure Furnace MK3 1603. Iron-Niobium alloy + Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Advanced Coating + Wall Shield + Intelligent Unit + Superconductor Servomechanisms + Quantum Vortex Storage System + Super Steel + High-Pressure Furnace MK3 = High-Pressure Furnace MK4 1604. Electric Arc Furnace MK3 + High-Pressure Furnace MK4 + Contained Strangelets + Draedon's Forge + Life Alloy + Profaned Gigaloopite + Radioactive Gigaloopite + MK5 Augmentations Kit + MK5 Casing Kit = High-Pressure Furnace MK5 1605. Helium + Copper + Molybdenum trioxide + Vanadium(V) oxide + Ferrite + Super Alloy = Blanket Chassis 1606. Lead + Boron carbide + Nexelit + Industrial Diamonds + Blanket Chassis + Super Steel = Blanket (Factorio) 1607. Factorio + Biology + Reactor = Bio Reactor 1608. Moss + Farm = Moss Farm 1609. Plastic + Engine + Assembling Machine + Moss Farm + PyAL MK2 Building Kit = Moss Farm MK2 1610. Glass + Steel + Titanium + Bio Reactor + PyAL MK2 Building Kit + Moss Farm MK2 = Bioreactor MK2 1611. Niobium-Titanium Alloy + Superconductors + Heavy Fermion Material + Bioreactor MK2 + PyAL MK3 Building Kit 2.0 = Bioreactor MK3 1612. Blanket (Factorio) + Bioreactor MK3 + PyAL MK4 Building Kit 2.0 = Bioreactor MK4 1613. cDNA + Mutant Enzymes + A-Intelligent Unit + A-Utility Science Pack + Bioreactor MK4 + Life Alloy + MK5 Augmentations Kit + MK5 Casing Kit + Biological Gigaloopite = Bioreactor MK5 1614. Molybdenum + Nichrome + Superconducting Magnetic Unit + Super Steel + PyAL MK3 Building Kit = Bioprinter MK3 1615. Glass + Titanium + Nickel + Duralumin + Washer + Simple Circuit Boards = Atomizer 1616. Lead + Atomizer + PyAL MK2 Building Kit = Atomizer MK2 1617. Atomizer MK2 + PyAL MK3 Building Kit 2.0 = Atomizer MK3 1618. Gene Lab MK4 + A-Utility Science Pack + Bioprinter MK3 + Bioreactor MK3 + Atomizer MK3 + Biofactory MK3 + MK5 Augmentations Kit + MK5 Casing Kit + Biological Gigaloopite = Gene Lab MK5 1619. Evolution + Animal + Game = Pokemon 1620. Paper + Pokemon = Card 1621. 13 + Card = King 1622. Similar + King = Lord 1623. Moon + Lord = Moon Lord 1624. Ground + Hyperbolic = Below 1625. House + Below = Basement 1626. Yes + Basement = Dungeon 1627. Death + Dungeon + Plantera = Post-Plantera Dungeon 1628. Moon Lord + Post-Plantera Dungeon = Post-Moon Lord Dungeon 1629. Soul + Post-Moon Lord Dungeon = Phantom Spirit 1630. Death + Phantom Spirit = Phantoplasm 1631. Nightmare Fuel (Calamity) + Endothermic Energy + Phantoplasm = Ascendant Spirit Essence 1632. Death + Sword + Devourer of Gods (Calamity) = Excelsus 1633. Death + Rare + Devourer of Gods (Calamity) = Cosmic Discharge 1634. Stick + Stick = Long Stick 1635. Magic + Long Stick = Staff 1636. Death + Staff + Devourer of Gods (Calamity) = Staff of the Mechworm 1637. Book + Magic = Spell Book 1638. Spell Book + Alternate = Spell Tome 1639. Darksun Fragment + Cosmilite Bar + Draedon's Forge + Ascendant Spirit Essence + Excelsus + Shadowspec Bar + Cosmic Discharge + Staff of the Mechworm + Spell Tome = Apotheosis (Calamity) 1640. Fish + Snake = Sea Snake 1641. Sea Snake + Similar = Eel 1642. Acid + Eel = Acid Eel 1643. Death + Spell Book + Acid Eel = Slithering Eels 1644. Material + Crafting = Crafting Material 1645. Magic + Letter = Rune 1646. Death + Rune + Providence the Profaned God. = Rune Of Kos 1647. Dungeon + Rune Of Kos = Ceaseless Void 1648. Death + Crafting Material + Ceaseless Void = Dark Plasma (Calamity) 1649. Grass + Sun = Hay 1650. Hay + Animal = Horse 1651. Horse + Rainbow = Unicorn 1652. Death + Unicorn = Unicorn Horn 1653. Ueilbloom Bar + Spell Tome = Biofusillade 1654. Sulfur + Alternate = Brimstone 1655. Life + Magic + Brimstone = Brimstone Elemental 1656. Death + Brimstone Elemental + Spell Tome = Seething Discharge 1657. Sand + Energy + Life = Sand Elemental 1658. Death + Sand Elemental = Forbidden Fragment 1659. Air + Fire + Energy = Fireball 1660. Earth + Fireball = Meteor 1661. Meteor + Ground = Meteorite 1662. Furnace + 3 + Meteorite = Meteorite Bar 1663. Desert + Feather = Desert Feather 1664. Ocean + Volcano = Island 1665. Wind + Island = Floating Island 1666. Elements + Minecraft + 9 = Block 1667. House + Floating Island + Block = Sunplate Block 1668. Feather + Aerialite Bar + Sunplate Block = Tradewinds (Calamity) 1669. Life + Coal = Fossil 1670. Human + Milk = Strong Bones 1671. Big + Strong Bones = Strong 1672. Fossil + Strong = Sturdy Fossil 1673. Forbidden Fragment + Desert Feather + Tradewinds (Calamity) + Sturdy Fossil = Death Valley Duster (Calamity) 1674. Forbidden Fragment + Meteorite Bar + Ectoplasm + Death Valley Duster (Calamity) = Primordial Earth (Calamity) 1675. Forbidden Fragment + Cosmilite Bar + Ascendant Spirit Essence + Primordial Earth (Calamity) = Primordial Ancient 1676. Water + Book + Terraria + Magic = Water Bolt (Terraria) 1677. Ice + Plant = Shiverthorn 1678. Water + Ice + Snow + Shiverthorn = Frost Bolt 1679. Fire + Lava + Plant + Ash = Fireblossom 1680. Lava + Obsidian + Hellstone Bar + Fireblossom = Flare Bolt 1681. Essence of Chaos + Essence of Elum + Frost Bolt + Flare Bolt = Frigidflash Bolt 1682. Water Bolt (Terraria) + Core of Sunlight + Frigidflash Bolt = Tears of Heaven (Calamity) 1683. 2 + Forbidden Fragment + Spell Tome = Relic of Ruin 1684. Void + Chaos = Astral 1685. Disease + Astral + Calamity = Astral Infection 1686. Worm + Boss + Astral Infection = Astrum Deus 1687. Death + Spell Tome + Astrum Deus = Starfall (Calamity) 1688. Similar + Similar = Twins 1689. Terraria + Twins = The Twins 1690. Death + The Twins = Soul of Sight 1691. Feather + Feather = Wing 1692. Fish + Terraria + Hardmode + Wing = Duke Fishron (Terraria) 1693. Death + Spell Book + Duke Fishron (Terraria) = Razorblade Typhoon 1694. Zombie + Big = Giant 1695. Animal + Slime = Mollusc 1696. Shell + Mollusc = Clam 1697. Giant + Clam = Giant Clam 1698. Death + Hardmode + Spell Tome + Giant Clam = Poseidon (Calamity) 1699. Soul of Sight + Razorblade Typhoon + Luminite Bar + Poseidon (Calamity) + Unicorn Horn = Nuclear Fury (Calamity) 1700. Darksun Fragment + Relic of Ruin + Starfall (Calamity) + Nuclear Fury (Calamity) = Event Horizon (Calamity) 1701. Stardust Fragment + Nebula Fragment + Solar Fragment + Vortex Fragment = Galatica Singularity 1702. Gods + Slime = The Slime God (Calamity) 1703. Death + The Slime God (Calamity) + Spell Tome = Eldritch Tome 1704. Human + Rainbow = Gay 1705. Similar + Gay = Happy 1706. Human + Human + Happy = Friends 1707. Opposites + Friends = Enemy 1708. Death + Enemy + Crafting Material + Astral Infection = Stardust (Calamity) 1709. Death + Enemy + Calamity + Solar Pillar = Meld Blob 1710. Ancient Manipulator + Stardust (Calamity) + Meld Blob = Meld Construct 1711. Spell Tome + Meld Construct = Tome of Fates (Calamity) 1712. Game + Thing = Toy 1713. Human + Toy + Alternate = Doll 1714. Energy + Energy Drink = Monster Energy Drink 1715. Life + Monster Energy Drink = Monster 1716. Money + Green + Monster = Goblin 1717. Similar + Break = Destroy 1718. Opposites + Destroy = Create 1719. Minecraft + Animal = Mob 1720. 5 + 110 = 115 1721. Unicode + 115 = S 1722. Cheese + Real = Cheat 1723. S + Cheat = Cheats 1724. Minecraft + Create + Mob + Cheats = Summon 1725. Mage + Summon = Summoner 1726. Goblin + Summoner = Goblin Summoner 1727. Death + Doll + Goblin Summoner = Shadowflame Hex Doll 1728. Luminite Bar + Galatica Singularity + Eldritch Tome + Tome of Fates (Calamity) + Shadowflame Hex Doll = Augur of the Elements 1729. Draedon's Forge + True Auric Tesla Bar + Tears of Heaven (Calamity) + Event Horizon (Calamity) + Augur of the Elements = Subsuming Vortex 1730. Draedon's Forge + Shadowspec Bar + Slithering Eels + Dark Plasma (Calamity) + Unicorn Horn + Biofusillade + Seething Discharge + Primordial Ancient + Subsuming Vortex = Eternity (Calamity) 1731. Molten Gigaloopite + Core of Calamity + Apotheosis (Calamity) + Eternity (Calamity) = Dimensional Gigaloopite 1732. Draedon's Forge + Casting Unit MK5 + Electric Arc Furnace MK5 + Basic Oxygen Furnace MK5 + Electrolyzer MK5 + High-Pressure Furnace MK5 + Bioreactor MK5 + Gene Lab MK5 + Dimensional Gigaloopite = Draedon's Forge MK2